Подготовить коротенький рассказ о себе, своих мечтах и целях. Рассказать что-то действительно интересное о себе. 8-12 предложений. Без примитивных фраз.
My name is Ted, and I work as the CEO of a company that creates dog collars. I am a very successful businessman, but I have a big dream that has not come true yet. In particular, I want to make a large and beautiful family. Because of my job, I am not able to spend time on relationships. Hence, I am alone, and it hurts me. However, I believe that I will earn enough money for living and retire one time. Then I will have a lot of time that I will spend on finding my wife. I am not going to see her in clubs or private parties. In my opinion, I will have the best relationship with a woman who is not interested in my money but in me as a person. Hence, I will not show that I am rich and find my wife on the streets or in cafes. From my point of view, with such a woman, we will have the best relationships, and we will create a large and beautiful family with many children who will love and support us and each other.