ПОМОГИТЕ ДИАЛОГ НА ТЕМУ домашние обязанности ✝️
Darling, do you mind vacuum-cleaning in the living-room and in the children’s bedroom while I am doing the washing-up?
- Oh, I did it just half an hour ago. I have also ironed my shirts and trousers. By the way, there is a coffee stain on a sleeve of my blue shirt. I’ll have to take it to the dry-cleaner’s tomorrow.
- Oh, dear! Thanks a lot, sweetheart. And don’t forget to take our white blanket too.
- Sure. It’s rather muddy after the barbecue. And I’ll be busy mowing the lawn after dinner.
- That would be great! The grass is really tall after the rains. I’ll go and ask Kelly to make their beds, water the plants and dust off.
- OK. And who is going to wash the kitchen floor today?
- I think, Johnny is. The floor becomes so dirty every day. We should be less messy! And I want our son to do the laundry as well.
- Probably we have to hire a cleaning lady to do all the scrubbing and tidying in the house at least once a month.
- I don’t mind. Well, let’s finish all the housework now. Dinner will be ready in an hour. I bought some beef and fresh vegetables this morning. I will call you to set the table. Johnny, could you take the garbage out while I cook? And don't forget to feed the dog, please.