Предмет: Физика, автор: juliabarhatova787

Определи, какое количество теплоты пойдёт на нагревание воды от 19°C до 27°C в бассейне, длина которого — 13 м, ширина — 8 м и глубина — 2 м. Удельная теплоёмкость воды равна 4200 Дж/(кг·°C), плотность воды — 1000 кг/м³.

Ответ: __Дж.


Автор ответа: juliabar0708


6988800000 дж




4200*208000*8=6988800000 дж

Прошла тест, всё верно. Кому надо помочь обращайтесь)

juliabarhatova787: спасибо!!!
mistormeduza: да, помоги! Пожалуйста, ответь я выложил задания. (Я помогу взаимно!)
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Put the words in the right order to make questions. (You here are – Are you here?)

1 Clever you are____________________________
2 At I the university am______________________
3 sleep he must now _______________________
4 Speak can we English ______________________
5 Next week come you will ____________________
6 They arrive can by train ______________________
7 Forgotten she has to water the flowers _________
8 My TV brother is watching ___________________

If there is no auxiliary verb, we put do\does\did before the subject. Statement “+” : I like pizza. Mike lives in London. He went to the restaurant. Question “?” : Do I like pizza? Does Mike live in London? Did he go to the restaurant?

b. Make questions with you (know me – Do you know me?)
1 drink tea__________________________
2 like music_________________________
3 knew Mary________________________
4 bought a cat last month________________________
5 live in hostel_________________________________
6 play the piano _______________________________

c. Make questions with she (know me – Does she know me?)
1 play football__________________________
2 Speak English_________________________
3 lived in Australia_______________________
4 crashed a car yesterday_______________________
5 went home 5 min ago________________________
6 understand my words________________________

Remember! Never put do with other auxiliary verbs! (Will you come? – NOT Do you will come?) Remember! Put only one verb before the subject (Are you playing? NOT Are playing you?) d. Make questions. (We see a sea – Do we see a sea?)
1 I live in Yekaterinburg _________________________________________________________________
2 Our boss travels a lot to different countries _______________________________________________
3 The 17.40 train to Druzhinino leaves from platform 6 _______________________________________

4 Everybody at the university study History _________________________________________________
Question words
Questions with question words (how, when, where, why, who, etc) usually have the same word order as yes\no questions. (Where do you go? Who will he come with?)

e. Make questions with the words in the box.
How when where why when
1 (you come)________________________________________________________? To see you.
2 (the train leave)_____________________________________________________? At 3.45.
3 (you say “chocolate” in Russian) ________________________________________? “Shokolad!”
4 (Great Patriotic War begin) _______________________________________________? In 1941.
5 (they go) ______________________________________________________? To see the match.

It is possible to ask questions with how + adjective/adverb (How old are you)