ДАЮ 35 БАЛЛОВ!!! ПОМОГИТЕ:написать текст 10-12 предложений про катострофу которую ты пережил. На английском языке в past simple
It was in childhood. when I was about 5 years old. I wanted to take a walk and asked my grandmother to go for a walk with me, she agreed, we got together and went outside, grandmother bought me cookies and juice, I had fun. I walked with my grandmother and drank juice and I saw how one man was throwing things at a girl. She tried to run away and screamed, he ran after her and they ran in our direction, then he looked at us and I got scared and started screaming a passing woman called the police and I saw the police for the first time in my life
Если что история выдуманая
Это было три года назад. Мы с родителями ехали отдыхать на речку. Тут навстречу нам выехал автомобиль,мой папа его не заметил. Мы попали в аварию. Нас занесло на несколько метров. С мамой всё было хорошо, она быстро набрала в скорую. Нам ответили что в течении пяти минут будут. Мы пытались с мамой сами привести папу в сознание, но ничего не выходило. Приехала скорая и оказала папе первую помощь. Что было с водителем того авто мы так и не узнали.
That was three years ago. My parents and I went to rest on the river. Then a car drove out to meet us, my dad did not notice him. We had an accident. We were skidded a few meters. Everything was fine with my mother, she quickly dialed an ambulance. We were told that they would be there within five minutes. Mom and I tried to bring dad to consciousness ourselves, but nothing came of it. An ambulance arrived and gave my dad first aid. We never found out what happened to the driver of that car.