Ex. 53. Irregular verbs. Look at each sentence and at the three versions of the verb below it. Decide which version com- pletes the sentence correctly.
1. The girl was ______ from the show as she was too young to participate.
1) withdraw 2) withdrawn 3) withdrew
2. Although she was ______ by a large bee, she didn’t have to go to hospital. 1) sting 2) stang 3) stung
3. Those coffee beans are not ______ . You can’t make coffee with them like that. 1) grinded 2) ground 3) grounded
4. He ______ the country during the war and never returned.
1) fled 2) fleed 3) flew.
5. The problem ______ because he didn’t have the right equip- ment to play in the game. 1) araised 2) arised 3) arose
6. Yesterday he ______ that the weather would be bad but look, it’s sunny.
1) forecast 2) forecasted 3) forecunt
7. He was ______ by a cricket ball and had to go to hospital.
1) strack 2) striked 3) struck
8. After she had washed the clothes, she ______ them and then put them on the line. 1) wrung 2) wringed 3) wranged
9. They say that the disease has ______ throughout the whole of western Africa. 1) spread 2) spreaded 3) sprud
10. The cloth has been ______ in the traditional way, using silk and gold thread. 1) weaved 2) woven 3) woved.
1. The girl was _withdrawn _ from the show as she was too young to participate.
2) withdrawn
2. Although she was _stung_ by a large bee, she didn’t have to go to hospital. 3) stung
3. Those coffee beans are not _ground _.
You can’t make coffee with them like that. 1) ground
4. He _fled _ the country during the war and never returned.
1) fled
5. The problem _arose_ because he didn’t have the right equipment to play in the game. 3) arose
6. Yesterday he _forecast _ that the weather would be bad but look,
it’s sunny. 1) forecast
7. He was _ struck_ by a cricket ball and had to go to hospital.
3) struck
8. After she had washed the clothes, she _wrung _ them and then put them on the line. 1) wrung
9. They say that the disease has _spread _ throughout the whole of western Africa. 1) spread
10. The cloth has been _woven _ in the traditional way, using silk and gold thread. 2) woven
1. Девушка была отстранена от участия в шоу, так как была слишком молода для участия.
2. Хотя ее ужалила большая пчела, ей не пришлось ложиться в больницу.
3. Эти кофейные зерна не _измельчены_.
Ты не можешь варить с ними кофе в таком виде.
4. Он покинул страну во время войны и никогда не вернулся.
5. Проблема возникла в том, что у него не было подходящего оборудования для игры в игру.
6. Вчера он предсказал, что погода будет плохой, но посмотрите, сегодня солнечно.
7. Его ударили крикетным мячом, и ему пришлось лечь в больницу.
8. После того, как она выстирала одежду, она _отжала _ её и затем повесила на веревку.
9. Они говорят, что болезнь распространилась по всей Западной Африке.
10. Ткань была _соткана_ традиционным способом с использованием шелковой и золотой нити.