Ваши размышления в свободной форме на тему: "Что мне нравится и что не нравится в дистанционном образовании, что бы я хотел изменить?" Объем - от половины школьной тетрадной странички.
I never thought that I would ever come across distance learning. Having tried it in my life, I realized that this form of education is not very convenient.
Distance learning, as elsewhere, has its pros and cons. Unfortunately, there are more minuses in it than pluses, but they are still present. To begin with, now I can sleep well in the morning, and not think about sleeping in the classroom. Also, if something in the topic is not clear, you can try looking on the Internet. There is unlimited time to complete assignments, and at any time you can go and relax, and not wait for a change, as in school.
Now about the cons. In distance learning, we do not see friends, classmates, teachers. Some material is not clear, and even the Internet cannot give an objective answer to any questions. Also, many have faced the problem of not loading sites. Due to the huge number of people who visit the site every day, it stops opening or takes a long time to load. Another big problem is assignments. Most teachers are on the same platform, but not all. Some tasks are in the electronic diary or in the VKontakte groups. This creates confusion and it is possible to forget to look at a site.
For now, that's all I can say. I really want to go to school again, and return to the usual way of life to which I am used to.