Предмет: История, автор: maklinskijgerman

Назовите наиболее крупные княжества феодальной раздробленности?


Автор ответа: medetovanurperi474


Особенностью распада Древнерусского государства было то, что оно разделилось на несколько крупных и достаточно устойчивых княжеств, сохранившихся в своих границах до самого монголо-татарского нашествия в середине XIII в. Это Киевское, Черниговское, Переяславское, Муромское, Рязанское, Ростово-Суздальское, Смоленское, Галицкое, Владимир-Волынское, Полоцкое, Турово-Пинское, Тмутараканское княжество, а также Новгородская и Псковская земли.

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: estellaeste
Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст с английского на русский он очень большой если вам не сложно. Заранее спасибо!

division of labour Without the factors of production, companies cannot get started. To be successful, however, they needto make good use of those resources. To make best use of labour, you need to organise it. The divisionof labour is one way to achieve this. Let's take making shirts as an example. What do you need to do to make shirts? You need to design it,find the right material, cut the material, sew the pieces together, dye the shirt and sew on the buttons.One person working on their own could probably do all these tasks. This is one way to organise labour.Another way is for the number of workers to share the job. Each worker is responsible for one task in theprocess. This is an example of the division of labour. The division of labour is not a new idea. Even very early societies had some form of labourspecialization. For example, in some societies men were hunters and gatherers of food, while womenwere responsible for child rearing. However, as societies become industrialized, the division of labourincreased. Factories became the main means of production, and each factory worker became responsiblefor smaller and smaller stages in the process. As each worker gets more and more experience at doing their particular task, they get better and betterat it. This should improve the quality of their work. With smaller tasks to do, workers can do thingsautomatically, without thinking about them. This will speed up their productivity, and speed up the wholeproduction process. Finally, small tasks are easier to learn. As the division of labour increases, theamount of time needed to train each worker decreases. All of this means a more efficient and productiveworkforce … at least, in theory. There is, however, a human factor to consider. Workers are not machines. Their physical andemodivision of labour Without the factors of production, companies cannot get started. To be successful, however, they needto make good use of those resources. To make best use of labour, you need to organise it. The divisionof labour is one way to achieve this. Let's take making shirts as an example. What do you need to do to make shirts? You need to design it,find the right material, cut the material, sew the pieces together, dye the shirt and sew on the buttons.One person working on their own could probably do all these tasks. This is one way to organise labour.Another way is for the number of workers to share the job. Each worker is responsible for one task in theprocess. This is an example of the division of labour. The division of labour is not a new idea. Even very early societies had some form of labourspecialization. For example, in some societies men were hunters and gatherers of food, while womenwere responsible for child rearing. However, as societies become industrialized, the division of labourincreased. Factories became the main means of production, and each factory worker became responsiblefor smaller and smaller stages in the process. As each worker gets more and more experience at doing their particular task, they get better and betterat it. This should improve the quality of their work. With smaller tasks to do, workers can do thingsautomatically, without thinking about them. This will speed up their productivity, and speed up the wholeproduction process. Finally, small tasks are easier to learn. As the division of labour increases, theamount of time needed to train each worker decreases. All of this means a more efficient and productiveworkforce … at least, in theory. There is, however, a human factor to consider. Workers are not machines. Their physical andemotional health has an impact on their productivity. Repeating the same simple task over and over againis very boring. Bored workers can't concentrate easily, and their mistakes will reduce the quality of theiroutput. In addition there is a problem of ownership. Many workers take pride in their work. They don’t justwork for wages, but also because they get satisfaction from doing a good job or from creating somethinguseful or beautiful. If you only add buttons to a shirt, you don’t feel that the shirt is your work. You can'ttake pride in a job that does not need skill to do. In this situation, workers become careless and their workbecomes sloppy. Overall, this has a negative impact on productivity. Thankfully, robots and machines can now do many of the mindless tasks that factory workers used todo. Nevertheless, the theory of the division of labour is still fundamental to all modern economies.
Предмет: История, автор: iliuasovashat