Пожалуйста помогите!
write 3 mini-dialogues (direct speech) in past, present and future. Then transform them into reported speech.
само задание: нам надо написать три мини-диалога , используя прямую речь в заданных временах, а затем превратить их в , отчетную речь
я прикрепила фото, в котором показано, чем различается в разных временах direct speech и reported speech
1. прошедшее время (past simple)
- hi, Jane!
- hey, Jenna, I need to tell you something
- Oh, this is about Mark? Is he coming today?
- Yep, he said, "I just finished my homework"
- Okay
- hi, Jane!
- hey, Jenna, I need to tell you something
- Oh, this is about Mark? Is he coming today?
- Yep, he said that he had finished his homework
- Okay
2. present simple
- Do you want to watch a film with me?
- Of course. Can my brother come with us?
- Yes, what film do you want to watch?
- my brother said "I want to watch MARVEL"
- okay, i will buy tickets
- Do you want to watch a film with me?
- Of course. Can my brother come with us?
- Yes, what film do you want to watch?
- my brother said that he wanted to watch MARVEL
- okay, i will buy tickets
3. future simple (в таблице оно относится к графе с will)
- Ben, what are you doing!? Why did you kiss me?
- Mary, I realized that I fell in love
- I don't believe you! You a lier! I saw you with another girl yesterday!
- This is my sister!! And we talked about you! She said, "You will always be happy together, she is your soulmate"
- Really?..
- Yes. Will you be my girlfriend?
- Of course, Ben..
- Ben, what are you doing!? Why did you kiss me?
- Mary, I realized that I fell in love
- I don't believe you! You a lier! I saw you with another girl yesterday!
- This is my sister!! And we talked about you! She said that you would always be happy together, you is my soulmate.
- Really?..
- Yes. Will you be my girlfriend?
- Of course, Ben..