Предмет: Английский язык, автор: radinskaaanastasia22

At Home on Mars
Will humans someday live and work on Mars? Many scientists think so. In fact, they are already working on plans to turn Mars into a new Earth.
Humans need three basic things to live: water to drink, air to breathe, and food to eat. Because of the lack of these necessities, it isn’t possible to live on Mars right now. For one thing, there is not enough oxygen. There is also no liquid water—just some ice. So how can we make Mars habitable? The answer, say scientists, is a process called terraforming.

Terraforming means changing the environment of a planet so that it is similar to Earth’s. On Mars, the average temperature is about minus 60 degrees Celsius. So one of the main goals of terraforming Mars is to warm it up. One idea for warming Mars comes from a problem here on Earth — climate change.

Most scientists agree that Earth is becoming warmer due to increased levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. We might create similar conditions on Mars by building factories that release greenhouse gases. The gases will change the atmosphere on Mars. Rain will fall, and it may be possible to grow plants for food. The plants will add more oxygen to the air.

Ex. 5.5. Answer the questions according to the text.

What are the basic things people need to live?
What does terraformation mean?
How do scientists plan to make Mars habitable?
Due to the lack of water and oxygen, life on Mars is impossible, isn't it?
Is the Earth becoming warmer due to increased levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere?
Would you like to live on Mars?


Автор ответа: kalkinadarya


1. Humans need three basic things to live: water to drink, air to breathe, and food to eat.

2. Terraforming means changing the environment of a planet so that it is similar to Earth’s.

3. They plan to make Mars habitable by warming it up. In order to achieve this goal they have to build factories, which produce greenhhouse gases. The gases produced by such factories will help to change the Mars' climate, so that people can live there.

4. Yes, it is.

5. Yes, it is.

6. No, I would not like to live on Mars.

Аноним: Доброго времени суток. Могли бы глянуть моё задание в профиле ?
kalkinadarya: Доброго. Какое именно задание?
Аноним: Самое последнее которое.
Аноним: Там 2 упражнения. На наречия 1 и 2 типа.
kalkinadarya: хорошо
kalkinadarya: готово
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