Предмет: Геометрия, автор: iren727

Длина одной из сторон прямоугольного треугольника с целочисленными сторонами равна 1763. Какую максимальную длину может иметь его катет?

PrinceGeorgeXVI: from math import sqrt as s
k = 1763
i = 1763
m = 0
print(s(k ** 2 + 37925 ** 2) % 1)
while i <= 1000000:
if s(i ** 2 + k ** 2) > m and s(i ** 2 + k ** 2) % 1 == 0:
m = s(i ** 2 + k ** 2)
i += 1
PrinceGeorgeXVI: написал прогу, выдала гипотенузу 37925
PrinceGeorgeXVI: при этой гипотенузе больший катет равен 37884
PrinceGeorgeXVI: не, больше
PrinceGeorgeXVI: 1554084
PrinceGeorgeXVI: при гипотенузе 1554084
PrinceGeorgeXVI: 1554085*
PrinceGeorgeXVI: больше точно быть не может
sdgalin: как вы считали?


Автор ответа: egorgorodov2007




Перебор машиной
По условию задачи все стороны делятся без остатка на единицу и, зная что треугольник прямоугольный, перебираем все значения второго катета и гипотенузы

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Переведите текст на русский.
Young people in our country have every opportunity to study and to get a higher education. At present one can see a lot of changes in Russia’s traditional system of education. There ap peared a great number of private educational institutions (uni versities, institutes, colleges, schools) where you have to pay for your education.
Young people have a wide choice of state controlled and pri vate education.
The state education in Russia is free of charge. Students can find all the books necessary for their studies in the libraries and reading rooms of their institutes. They can also make experi ments, carry out research work and different kinds of practical work in the laboratories and workshops of their institutes.
To enter an Institute you have to take entrance examinations which are rather difficult. Students are able to study in evening and day time departments. A student who does not work and attends a day time department is called a full time student. A student who combines work and studies and attends an evening department is called a part time student.
The training of specialists at our institutes combines theo retical studies with practical work and industrial training. At the end of each term students are to submit their course (term) papers or designs.
If the students are doing well, they get scholarships. To pass the examinations successfully students have to work hard dur ing the academic year. They may fail in the examinations if they miss classes, and do not study regularly. Students must take ex aminations and credit tests in time. Sometimes they are allowed to take them in advance.