Предмет: Биология, автор: kovaltsovazlata

На рисунке изображена большая острица и ее яйца. Определи неверные описания острицы. Верных ответов: 3 Дети острицами заражаются через немытые, грязные руки. Энтеробиоз - глистное заболевание, вызываемое острицами. Симптомы энтеробиоза - раздражительность, бессонница. У ребенка, зараженного острицами, поднимается температура до 39 °С. Острица питается клетками печени. возбудители острицы поселяются в тонкой кишке.​


vladovechkin20023: Назвіть основні таксиси амеби. Від чого залежить Розміри і форми амеб. Де живуть амеби і їх значення у природі даю 5 балов


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Жиза дчдлвлвлвллвлалаосоосола

kzbeka222888: че с тобой
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: helpme1137
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May Week at Cambridge
The most interesting time of year in which to visit Cambridge is during May Week. This is neither in
May nor a week. For some reasons which nobody remembers, May Week is the name given to the first two
weeks in June, the very end of the University year.
May Week denotes not so much a particular period of time as the general atmosphere of relaxation at
the end of the year's work. It starts for each undergraduate when he finishes his examinations.
Everything as far as possible has to happen in the open air-parties, picnics, concerts and plays. May Week
seems like a celebration of the coming of spring, till then ignored in favour of examinations, and this spirit of
release seems to take over the entire (the whole) town. People go to the river behind the colleges which stand
next to the river to watch May boat races, in which young energetic men are ready to show off theirskill.Music and drama also have a part to play in the festivities. Nearly every college of the University (and
there are over 20 of them) holds a May Week concert or presents a play in the open air.
But themost important events are the MayBallsfor which some girls do their best for month in advance to get
invitations. College May Balls are the climax of May Week and for many undergraduates are the final event of their
university life, when the river is lit with coloured lights, ballroom orchestra plays for dancers and punts glide
romantically down the river
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: lilpump12
Предмет: Литература, автор: solionayaa