Предмет: Информатика, автор: bletravanok

Помогите пожалуйста с решением
1. В 7в классе 35 учеников. Из них 20 человек занимаются музыкой, 11 — в борьбой, 10 ребят ничем не занимаются. Сколько музыкантов увлекаются борьбой? Задача 2. На классном часе решили сходить в кино. 15 ребят выбрали фильм «Ограбление по Французски», 11 человек – фильм «Сумерки», из них 6 смотрели и «Ограбление по Французски», и «Сумерки». Сколько человек смотрели только фильм «Сумерки»? Задача 3. Среди школьников вашего класса проводилось анкетирование по любимым предметам. Самыми популярными оказались три предмета: «Биология», «География», «Всемирная история». Всего в классе 38 человек. «Биологию» выбрали 21 ученик, среди которых трое назвали еще «Всемирную историю», шестеро – «Географию», а один написал все три предмета. Предмет «Всемирная история» назвали 13 ребят, среди которых пятеро выбрали сразу два предмета. Сколько человек выбрали предмет «География»?


Автор ответа: melekismailova9


Из условия следует, что кружки посещают

35 - 10 = 25 человек.

Следовательно одновременно в два кружка ходят

20 + 11 - 25 = 6

Ответ: 6

bletravanok: Там ещё две задачи спасибо заранее
melekismailova9: а точно..
bletravanok: Помоги пожалуйста
melekismailova9: я не знаю извини пожалуйста
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Ulyas2001
People who live in Scotland are Scots. They are also called Scottish or Scotsmen. Scotsmen will be rather annoyed1 if you call them Englishmen.
If a man is called Jock MacTarvish, it is clear that he is a Scotsman. A lot of Scottish family names begin with "Mac" or "Mc" — like MacDonald, MacMillian or McHale.
And Jock is a popular Scottish name for John or Jack. A lot of people in England call any Scotsman "Jock" even if his name is Peter or David. (Remember Russian "Ivan" or German "Fritz".)
Every Scotsman belongs to a clan. A clan is a family group: all the people of the same family belong to the same clan. Everybody with the name MacGregor is a member of the MacGregors clan; everybody Galled Finaly is a member of the Farquharson clan. (You see that the family name and the name of the clan are sometimes different.) There are about 300 different clans in Scotland.
Each clan has its own special tartan. A tartan may be in different colours. It is used for clothes. By the tartan you can learn which clan the man belongs to. There are more than 300 tartans: some clans have more than one tartan.
The Royal Family wore the Stuart tartan because they came from the family of the Stuart kings of Scotland and England. But now, the Queen of Great Britain has another tartan. It is grey with black, red and blue.
A Scotsman's traditional clothes are socks, shoes, a kilt, a tie, a jacket and a bonnet2. Some people in the north of Scotland wear a kilt every day. But in other parts of the country most Scottish people wear just the same clothes as the English. They put on their traditional clothes only on holidays and wear them with pleasure.
Scottish people like to dance very much. They say that they dance better than English people. Glasgow (the biggest city of Scotland) has more dancing schools than any other European city. A lot of people enjoy Scottish dancing. There are dances for groups of people and there are some other dances — more difficult ones — which are only for one or two people.
Scottish people speak English but with their own accent. For example, when a Scotsman uses the word "arm" he says "ar-r-m" so that you can hear the sound [г].
English people say that Scottish people do not like to spend money. Scottish people say that they like spending money on their friends and visitors — not on themselves.
People say that Scotsmen work hard: many good doctors and engineers come from Scotland.
Предмет: Химия, автор: Bakol