Помогите пожалуйста

1. Посмотри на разные типы ресторанов. Какие есть в твоем городе?
In our city we have steak , fast food, Italian, and Mexican restaurants.
2. Опиши где находится каждый из них
Our steak restaurant is positioned near our house.
We have a fast food restaurant in the nearest shoping centre
The Italian restaurant is not far from our school.
The Mexican restaurant is on the main street of our town.
3. Какие типы еды тебе нравятся и не нравятся. Почему?
I like fast food because it is cheep but nurishing. I also like Mexican food because it is eccentric and realy sharp.
I hate Japanese food, it isnt as cool as it sounds and is realy expensive.
4. Умеешь ли ты готовить что-нибудь из этой еды?
Yes, I can cook Italian food. I have a large book filled with recepies from Italy