Предмет: Биология, автор: vasilevaiana

укажите главные события , происходящие на протяжении эволюции материи


Автор ответа: Dron23123
Живое вещество, как и вся материя Вселенной, состоит из атомов и молекул, для которых уже известны определенные законы поведения, в том числе на квантово-молекулярном уровне. В этом смысле при научном познании живого представляется вполне возможным применение физических представлений и моделей по исследованию развития природы и закономерностей процессов, проходящих в живом организме. По этому поводу советский физико-химик и биофизик М. В. Волькенштейн писал: «В биологии как в науке о живом возможны только два пути: либо признать невозможным объяснение жизни на основе физики и химии, либо такое объяснение возможно и его надо найти, в том числе на основе общих закономерностей, характеризующих строение и природу материи, вещества и поля».
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sony120987
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A it is not possible to predict exactly when a volcano will erupt Hawever, unlike with there are often indications. This because volcanses are, by their very nature, weak spots in the Earth's crust, pressure points through which the huge heat and pressures of the liver can be released. An eruption is often, though not always, preceded hy the release of smoke, steam or even lava.

B Of course, volcanoes are a natural phenomenon that are not only found on Earth, Venus has more active volcanoes than any other p in the Solar System, while on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune can be found the apparent paradox of the ice volcano. Meanwhile, Mars is home to the largest volcano in the Solar System Called the Tharsis Bulge, it is the size of a continent on Earth, but is fortunately dormant.

C A volcanologist is kind who has specialised in the st. dy of volcanoes. A majo- part of this job is the predict an of eruptions falthough this still cannot be done with anything close tu 100% accuracy). Taking readings from active volcanoes in order to see if they are close to erupting is essential, making this way af making a living far from safe.

D It has been estimated that 500 mil ion people live near active volcanoes. Th s behaviour might secm foolish but for two factors First, thousands of years often pass between one eruption of a volcano and the next. Also, because of the ash that falls from the sky after an eruption, the soil around a volcano is very rich, making it deal farmland once the event is over. Still, such people always live in fear of the next blast

E It is be ieved by some scientists that the eruption of a supervolcano was the event that really finished off the dinosaurs - rather than the meteor strike that is usually blamed. The Minoan Civilisation on Crete was most likely destroyed by the same eruption that made the Greek island of Santorini disappear almost completely into the Aegean Sea. And everyone has heard of Pompeii, buried in moments by tonnes of ash from Mount Vesuvius

F Under the calm and beautiful surface of Yellowstone National Park lies something known as a supervolcano. The Yellowstone Caldera covers thousands of square kilometres and has erupted three times in the past 2.1 million years. When a supervolcano erupts, however, it does not just affect the country that surrounds it, but the entire continent - or even the planet. That's why volcanologists in the USA and worldwide are keeping a close eye on Yellowstone.

G Because of the sudden and devastating effects of volcanic eruptions, it is not surprising that they were put down to the actions of the gods in olden times. Either a god or goddess was furious at something done to him or her, or there was an actual 'volcano god", who was generally a very irritable character. In Hawaii, for example, where volcanoes are very common, there is a goddess of volcanoes called 'Pele'.


1 A risky occupation
2 Minor eruptions
3 Living under threat
4 Anger from the heavens
5 Hidden danger
6 Serious consequences
7 Warning signs
8 Out of this world