написать про :мой любимый гаджет
1)плюсы и минусы
2)пожалуйста можете написать на английском и потом написать что вы написали
пж пж срочно, нужно взять к примеру телефон и написать плюсы и минусы
We all have a lot of gadgets that we use in our everyday life, but my favourite gadget is my smartphone.
I like it so much because it has so many useful features. First of all, it helps me to keep in touch with my family and friends — I can phone or text them or send instant text or voice messages. Secondly, my phone provides access to my email, social media and the Internet. Thirdly, with my phone I can read books and watch films online. Besides, it has two good cameras that I use to take pictures and record video. I love taking selfies and posting them. My phone is also my music player, radio and GPS navigation device. Finally, I enjoy playing games on my phone and there are so many of them. My favourite game is "Rome: Total War".
The only thing that I don't like about my phone is its battery life which isn't long enough for me.
Anyhow, I must admit I can't imagine my life without my phone
надеюсь помог
phones help us a lot to hide any information. for example: how to cook a meal or learn homework. but this gadget has a number of disadvantages, as well as damage to vision, distraction from important things
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