Без шуток помогите дам 35 балов

2. Teres doesn’t like Lady Gaya, he likes Lady Rihanna.
3. He doesn’t want to have fish, he wants to have pizza.
4. Pierre and his parents don’t have a house, they have a flat.
5. Ruby doesn’t have a red top, he has a blue top.
6. Adam doesn’t like tomatoes, he likes mushrooms.
7. Ruby and Adam don’t live in a flat, they live in a cottage.
8. We don’t want to see the fish, we want to see chickens.
2)Teresa dosent like Lady Gaga. he likes Rihanna.
3)he dosent want have fish. He wants to have pizza.
4)Pierre and his parents dosent have a house. Their house is flat
5)Ruby hasnt have a red top. He has a blue top.
6)Adam dosent like tomatos. He likes mushrooms.
7)Ruby and Adam dosent live in a flat. They lives in cottage.
8) we dont want to see a fish. We want to see a chickens
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