Предмет: Литература, автор: sasha5229

Составьте 10 вопросов по произведению «горе от ума» 4 действие


Автор ответа: annnnnnnaggggggg


1.Продолжите фразу: «Мне завещал отец, во-первых, …» (угождать всем людям без изъятья…)

2Все гонят, все клянут… (мучителей толпа)

3Вон из Москвы! Сюда… (я больше не ездок)

4Бегу, не оглянусь, пойду искать по свету, где оскорблённому… (есть чувству уголок)

5Ах! Боже мой! Что будет говорить… (княгиня Марья Алексевна)

6Кого из гостей Фамусова зовут Анфиса Ниловна? (Хлёстову)

7Последние слова Чацкого в комедии. (Карету мне! Карету!)

8Кого Молчалин называет кралей? (Софью)

9От кого Чацкий узнаёт имя автора сплетни? (От Фамусова )

10Продолжите фразу: Ба! Знакомые… (всё лица!)

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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: kangßo
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Эксель
пожалуйста, помогите мне. Мне нужен перевод, только не с переводчика. награжу большим количеством баллом.
вот текст:
one summer when i was eleven my family decided to take our first vacation together. my father, my mother, my younger sister and i got into our car and went to a nearby city where my parents rented a house up in the hills. it is city that is famous for its mountains and rivers and is located 400 km from the place where we lived. after we drove a long time, we had arrived there. my father wanted to everything in his pictures: the scenery, the family and the car. the problem was that he wanted everithing togever in each picture.
one morning, after breakfast it was the perfect time for a picture with the car, the family, the house and also the scenery, all in one shot. my father was really fussy about taking the pictures as he decided to do his best this time. first, he made us get closer to the car; it didn't work because the scenery was not visible. second, it was time for him to go down the hill; this didn't work either because he couldn't see the car. finally, he had the great idea of moving the car to the front. since he didn't have the keys with him, he decided to push the car down. he gave my mother a rock to put under the car wheel to stop it when it was in right position for the picture. when the car started moving, it went over the rock and rolled down the hill.
my mother ran into the house crying. the three of us started walking down the hill looking at the car which stopped on the bottom of the hill.
i remember thinking " how are we going back home?" When we got to the bottom of the hill, to our surprise, we found that the car was intact. the two front wheels were up on two big rocks as if somebody placed them there on purpose. we were so happy! my sister and i ran up the hill to give my mother the news. my father starting at the car was saying, "one more thing to tell our grandchildren."
Предмет: Математика, автор: kamilla13550