Предмет: Математика, автор: Cpacyotmychenii



Автор ответа: CoffeAHGEJlA


х=2/5 вот ответ пожалуйста поставьте лучший ответ мне

Пошаговое объяснение:

lollitto: Дроби переворачивается если идёт деление
CoffeAHGEJlA: Я поторопился
lollitto: Да и вообще ответ никак не может получиться такой
CoffeAHGEJlA: Я поторопился.
CoffeAHGEJlA: Пишу же
Автор ответа: lollitto

Ответ: x=0,4

Пошаговое объяснение:


Cpacyotmychenii: Стоп вы были сверху?
Cpacyotmychenii: или вы снизу были
Cpacyotmychenii: приложение как-то странно работает
Cpacyotmychenii: Ой блииин я поставила лучший ответ тому человеку кто решил не правильно
lollitto: Просто написал первым
Cpacyotmychenii: ну блиин(
lollitto: А потом другого человека ответ сверху появился
Cpacyotmychenii: Я случайно нажала туда
Cpacyotmychenii: Хотела вас отметить
lollitto: Неважно
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Исправьте ошибки в употреблении деепричастия и деепричастного оборота. Свой ответ объясните.
1. Подумав с полчаса, мною уже был составлен план действия
2. Как приятно знать, что, придя домой после школы, котенок встретит меня радостным мяуканьем.
3. Увидев актрису только один раз, у режиссера возникло твердое желание пригласит ее на роль.
4. Прочитав о боях, мне сразу же представилась вся эта картина.
5. Читая этот рассказ, создается впечатление, что Куприн сам был шахтером.
6. Приняв лекарство, больному стало лучше.
7. Через год, будучи слепым и глухим, его привели к царю.
8. Идя по мокрой тропинке, дождь еще не прекращался.
9. Расплачиваясь в кассе, у меня из рук выпал кошелек.
10. Встретившись с Хлебниковым, в душе Ромашова наступил перелом.
11.Запахи многих опасностей, рождаясь, животные уже знают.
12.Получив письмо, в моей душе стало легко и весело.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Buta13355
Составьте пожалуйста 3 вопроса к тексту:
Captain Cowgill had always wanted to arrange a hot-air balloon expedition. One day, he placed an announcement in all the morning papers. He wrote that he needed three people who wanted to take a risky adventure. Ten people came to his office and Captain Cowgill selected three of them: two men and a young lady. The first volunteer was Mr. Crutter, a well-dressed man of about sixty. He looked depressed and unhappy. The second one was a doctor, Dr. Hagan, a sad thin gentleman. The third adventurer, Miss Dermott, looked slim and miserable. They were ready to fly in the balloon in spite of the risks. Though Captain Cowgill hoped for success, there was a great chance that the participants wouldn’t come back. The next day, the balloon was ready for the journey. They had some food and the gas equipment. It was supposed that the travelers would fly during the day and then land for the night. Right before the take-off, a young man ran up to Captain Cowgill and begged to let him join the expedition. Captain Cowgill listened to his arguments and let the young man, Mr. Winden, fly too. With the last farewell to Captain Cowgill, the balloon went sailing towards the clouds. At first the travellers said nothing. An hour later they found the journey exciting. Two hours later they revealed their reasons for coming on the dangerous flight. Mr. Crutter said that he had been cheated by his partners and had lost a large part of his business. Though he had enough money left, he felt extremely depressed. Dr. Hagan told the
travellers that he had lost his job in a hospital. He felt lonely and unwanted. Miss Dermott said that she suffered from a serious disease and had no money for treatment. Mr. Winden had just split up with his girlfriend and was ready to die. In the evening, the travellers decided to take a rest. They landed in a deserted place and tied the balloon to a tree. After supper they continued talking about their unhappy fates. Suddenly, Mr. Crutter offered to share his money with his new friends. Dr. Hagan smiled and looked at Miss Dermont. “I think I can cure you, Miss Dermott,” he said. “I have already had patients with the same diagnosis.” Miss Diamont smiled. But it wasn’t the last surprise. Mr. Winden proposed to Miss Diamont saying that he had fallen in love at first sight. She shyly promised to think it over. The talk raised their spirits and, in the morning, everybody decided to go back home. Now when all their problems were happily solved, they didn’t want to go anywhere. Suddenly Miss Dermott cried out pointing to a distant object in the sky. It was their balloon that had broken loose while they were having breakfast. Nobody felt upset! The group decided to walk to the nearest railway station. Mr. Crutter bought tickets for his new friends and they sent Captain Cowgill a telegram. It said that the balloon had flown away accidentally, their expedition had failed and they would arrive in town the next day.