Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Мария1808

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To say that curiosity motivates science is to say that the process ends there, and certainly it does end there with most people. Scientists go further, however. They make models which express the underlying pattern in the observations, such as Newton's laws or quantum mechanics. 
I believe that the impetus to condense data into a theory originates from an aesthetic sense, the same sense that inspires artists. We consider a theory elegant and great when it is able to integrate and simplife phenomena in a simple and conservative fashion. The same criteria are applied to great art. For example, it is generally conceded that Goya and Turner improved their art as their style evolved from a complex to a more simple and austere one. 
How similar this was to the work of James Clerk Maxwell, who was able to unify all classical, electrodynamic, magnetostatic, magnetodynamic, electromagnetic and optical effects into one phenomenon describable by four rather simple equations. In fact, it was this drive to unify which directed Maxwell to the conclusion that light has electronic origin. 
The physical laws which constitute our theories, simplife our perception of nature, nature being infinitely more complex than our theories in the same way that the subject portayed in a painting is more complex than the painting itself. Consider the famous and powerful prehistoric cave painting of a horse discovered in the Lascaux cave. It is obvious at a glance that part of the power of the painting stems from the fact that not all the details of the horse are given - some are implied - and we are grateful for and moved by that simplification. This, then, is art's great appeal, and science's, too, except that this aspect of science is not as generally known as it is in art... Science, like art, is very much a thing of the spirit. It is not the philosophical but aesthetic motives that drive most scientists...


Автор ответа: zapolina0520
Сказать, что любопытство движет наука должна сказать, что процесс заканчивается там , и, конечно, он заканчивается с большинством людей . Ученые идти дальше , однако . Они делают модели , которые выражают основную закономерность в наблюдениях , например, законы Ньютона или квантовой механики.Я считаю, что толчком для конденсации данных в теории происходит от эстетическом смысле , то же смысле, что вдохновляет художников. Рассмотрим теорию элегантный и здорово, когда он способен интегрировать и simplife явления в простой и консервативной моде . Те же критерии применяются к великому искусству . Например , как правило, признал, что Гойя и Тернер улучшили свои искусство как их стиль эволюционировал от сложного к более простой и строгой один .Как это похоже было на работе Джеймса Клерка Максвелла , который смог объединить все классические, электродинамических , магнитостатические , магнитодинамические , электромагнитные и оптические эффекты в один явления описываемого четырех довольно простых уравнений . На самом деле, именно это стремление унифицировать которые направлены Максвелл к выводу, что свет имеет электронную природу.Физические законы, которые составляют наши теории , simplife наше восприятие природы , природа бесконечно сложнее, чем наши теории таким же образом , что субъект portayed в картине является более сложным, чем сама картина . Рассмотрим известный и мощный доисторических наскальных живопись лошади обнаружены в пещере Ласко . Очевидно, на первый взгляд , что часть мощности картины проистекает из того факта, что не все детали лошади даны - некоторые из них подразумевается - и мы благодарны за и переехал к тому упрощения. Это , то , является большим обращение искусства , и науки , тоже , кроме того, что этот аспект науки не так известно , как и в искусстве ... Наука , как и искусство, во многом является делом духе . Это не философские , но эстетические мотивы , которые движут большинство ученых ...
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: VerbenaD
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American newspapers get much of their news from the same sources which serve about half of the people
in the world, that is, the two U.S. news agencies AP (Associated Press) and UPI (United Press International). These two international news agencies are the world's largest. Unlike some others — the French news agency AFP or the Russian TASS, for example — neither is owned, controlled, or operated by the government. AP is the oldest agency internationally (founded in 1848) and the largest. It maintains reporters and cameramen at 122 domestic and 65 foreign news bureaus. It has some 10,000 subscribers — newspapers, radio and television stations and other agencies which pay to receive and use AP news and photographs — in 115 countries. UPI is the second largest, with 92 domestic and 81 foreign bureaus in over 90 countries. It is estimated that altogether, around 2 billion people get most of their news directly or indirectly through AP and UPI. It is also said that one reason why there seems to be so much "American" news internationally is that both agencies have their headquarters in the U.S.
A basic characteristic of the American press is that almost all editors and journalists agree that as much as possible news should be very clearly separated from opinion about the news. Following tradition and journalistic ethics, young newspaper editors and reporters are taught that opinion and political viewpoints belong on the editorial and opinion pages. They are aware that the selection of what news is to be printed can cause a bias, of course. But an attempt must be made to keep the two separate. Therefore, when a news story appears with a reporter's name, it means that the editors consider it to be a mixture of fact and opinion.
There is also a very good economic reason for this policy of separating news and opinion. It was discovered in the late 19th century that greater numbers of readers trusted, and bought, newspapers when the news wasn't slanted in one direction or another. Today, it is often difficult to decide if a paper is republican or democrat, liberal or conservative. Most newspapers, for example, are careful to give equal and balanced news coverage to opposing candidates in elections. They might support one candidate or the other on their editorial pages, but one year this might be a Republican, and the next a Democrat.
AP and UPI owe their international reputation and success to this policy. Only by carefully limiting themselves to the news — who said what and what actually happened how, when, and where — are they trusted and consequently widely used. To protect their reputations for objectivity, both AP and UPI have strict rules. These prevent newspapers from changing the original/AP and UPI news stories too much and still claiming these agencies as their source. In addition to selling news, AP and UPI make available a dozen or so photographs and political cartoons for any major story each day. These give different views and show anything from praise to ridicule. Subscribers are free to choose and print those which suit them best.
Just as there is no official or government-owned news agency in the U.S., there are no official or government-owned newspapers. There is no state censorship, no "official secrets act," nor any law that says, for example, that government records must be kept secret until so many years, have passed. The Freedom of Information Act allows anyone, including newspaper reporters, to get information that elsewhere is simply "not available." Courts and judges cannot stop a story or newspaper from being printed, or published. Someone can go to court later, but then, of course, the story has already appeared.
Government attempts to keep former intelligence agents from publishing secrets they once promised to keep — from "telling it all," as the newspapers say — have been notoriously unsuccessful. One of the best-known recent examples was when The New York Times and The Washington Post published the so-called "Pentagon Papers." These were "secret documents" concerning U.S. military policy during the war in Vietnam. The newspapers won the Supreme Court case that followed. The Court wrote (1971): "The government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the government."
The tradition of "muckraking" — digging out the dirt and exposing it for all to see — is still extremely strong, and investigative reporting is still a large part of a journalist's work. This is one reason why so many younger Americans are attracted to careers in journalism as a way of effecting change in society. Even small-town newspapers employ reporters who are kept busy searching for examples of political corruption,' business malpractice, or industrial pollution.
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Volodya1212124
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dhahidjdqhifshifh
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