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The problem is that these days, some people seem to regard sleep as slothful and unproductive, a view encouraged by innovations like the Internet, (e) which allows users unlimited access long after other sources of information are inactive.
Actually, one could go further back in time and blame the invention of the light bulb, (h) which effectively eliminated darkness.
People slept for an average of nine hours a night before the arrival of electricity, (b) which means they were a good deal happier.
In sleep important things still happen, things (i) which are thought to be restorative and conserving.
Sleep reduces the body's basic metabolic rate by 20%, representing a great saving in energy, and the amount of oxygen (g) which we need in order to fall asleep also falls dramatically, as does our body temperature to a lesser extent.
And during sleep the body releases the growth hormone, (c) which is why children need plenty of sleep.