Ex.31 . Give the Comparative and Superlative Degrees.
Sad, grey, bad, happy, free, far, dry, big, near, shy, unusual, able, mountainous,
little, polite, famous, well-known, heavy, thin, thick, tall, fine; new, straight, few,
easy, busy, dirty, famous, serious, comfortable, expensive, suitable, charming,
good, much, little, many.
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Sad -sadder-the saddest, grey, bad- worse -the worst, happy -happier -happiest, free, far- farther, further – farthest, dry, big- bigger = the bigest, near- nearer- the nearest, shy, unusual - more unusual - the most unusual, able, mountainous,
little- less - the least, polite - more polite- the most polite, famous- more famous- the most famous, well-known, heavy- heavier- the heaviest, thin- thinner- the thinnest, thick- thicker- the thickest, tall- taller- the tallest, fine- finer- the finest; new- newer- the newest, straight- straighter- the straightest, few- few- the fewest,
easy- easier- the easiest, busy- busier- the busiest, dirty- dirtier- the dirtiest, famous- more famous- the most famous, serious- more serious- the most serious, comfortable- more comfortable- the most comfortable, expensive- more expensive- the most expensive, suitable- more suitable- the most suitable, charming- more charming- the most charming,
good- better- the best, much- more- the most, little- less- the least, many- more- the most.