Предмет: Физика, автор: danilyagudin8663

Определите скорость тела, если путь 50 км мотоциклист проезжает за время 0,8 ч. Запишите ответ в км/ч


Автор ответа: Wxrld


50:0.8= 62.5км/ч


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Выезжал ли Святогор гулять в чисто поле, Никого-то, Святогор, он не нахаживал, С кем бы силой богатырскою помериться; А сам чует в себе силу он великую, Чует – живчиком по жилам разливается. Грузно с силы Святогору, как от бремени. И промолвил Святогор-свет, похваляючись: “По моей ли да по силе богатырской Каб державу мне найти, всю землю поднял бы”. С тех слов увидел Святогор прохожего – Сдалека в степи идёт прохожий с сумочкой, – И поехал Святогор к тому прохожему, Едет рысью, всё прохожий идёт передом, – Во всю прыть не может он догнать прохожего. Закричал тут Святогор да громким голосом: “Гой, прохожий человек, пожди немножечко. Не могу догнать тебя я на добром коне”. Сдалека прохожий Святогора слушался, Становился, с плеч на землю бросал сумочку. Наезжает Святогор на эту сумочку. Своей плёточкой он сумочку пощупывал, – Как урослая, та сумочка не тронется. Святогор с коня перстом её потрогивал, – Не сворохнется та сумка, не шевельнется. Святогор с коня хватал рукой, потягивал, – Как урослая, та сумка не поднимется. Слез с коня тут Святогор, взялся за сумочку, Он приладился, взялся руками обеими, Во всю силу богатырску принатужился, – От натуги по белу лицу ала кровь пошла, А поднял суму от земи только на волос, По колена ж сам он в мать сыру землю угряз. Взговорит ли Святогор тут громким голосом: “Ты скажи же мне, прохожий, правду истинну, А и что, скажи ты, в сумочке накладено?” Взговорит ему прохожий да на те слова: “Тяга в сумочке от матери сырой земли”. Взговорит тут Святогор да ко прохожему: “А ты сам кто есть, как звать тебя по имени?” Взговорит ему прохожий ли на те слова: “Я Микула есмь; мужик я, Селянинович, Я Микула, – меня любит мать сыра земля 1) определи к какую жанру относится прочитанное произведение . приведи доказательства 2)определи тему прочитанного текста 3) что такое эпитет ? найди несколько эпитетов в тексте и подчеркни их .4) как понимаешь выделенное слово ? подбери к нему синонимы . 5) составь план прочитанного текста из четырёх пунктов. 1) , 2) ,3),4) . 5) запиши не менее пяти качеств присущих былинными богатырями. 6)почему святогор не мог поднять сумку которую нёс прохожий ? за что проучила мать сыра земля ? 7) как Микула Селянинович обяснил богатырю почему его сумка так тяжела ? 8) напиши чем отличается былины от народых сказок.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: avavyvyavy
The Moominland series of books and cartoons are very popular with children. They have been translated into several languages, filmed and staged. Moomins, the funny fictional animal characters, were invented by the Finnish fairy tale writer, Tove Jansson. These characters lived in the imaginary country of Moominland. The author not only wrote the story but also made professional illustrations for every book in the series.

When she was a child, Tove Jansson never planned to be a writer. Born into the family of a sculptor and an artist, Tove enjoyed a relaxed and creative atmosphere in her home, open to many people. She spent a lot of time painting and staging fairy tales with her brothers. Since her early years, Tove was impressed by Christian Andersen’s fairy tales. In her imagination she lived the characters’ lives and imagined their adventures in her colourful dreams.

The family often went on sea trips, the memories of which Tove kept for years. She admired the Finnish landscapes with beautiful sunsets and sunrises, she watched the sea constantly changing its colour and the cosy bays. All the magic appeared later in the pictures of the Moomin valley with the blue house standing in the middle of it.

At about fourteen, Tove realized she wanted to go into painting professionally. At first, she worked for a local children’s magazine together with her mother. When Tove completed her school course, she studied fine arts in colleges in Finland and abroad. Tove’s excellent education, talent, and magnificent artistic skills allowed her to illustrate the books of the famous English writers J.R.R. Tolkien and Lewis Carroll. She made some successful wall paintings in Helsinki as well.

At the age of thirty, Tove still had the character of a child who suffered from the injustice and cruelty of life. At that time, she thought of creating an alternative honest and fair world for people like herself. She created it in her imagination. Once Tove recalled a small white hippo she had drawn on the wall to tease her little brother. This is how a new character of Finnish literature, the Moomin, appeared.

Her first book was published in 1946. The fantasy characters were something new for a children’s book of that time. That is why they made Tove Jansson famous overnight. Images of Moomins made in wood, china, soap and plastic spread all over the world. The first book was followed by eleven more tales of Moominland. Each new story reflected an important event in Tove’s life.

In the 1970s, Janssen started to write stories and novels for adult readers. Apart from the illustrations of children's books Tove Jansson returned to serious painting. The critics praised her pictures a lot for their colours and harmony. Tove Jansson’s most well-known works are a self-portrait and a portrait of her friend. However, she used to say that people would remember her only as the author of the Moomins, not as a painter. This made Tove Jansson feel sad.

All the Moomins tales had a happy ending. Just like her characters, Tove Jansson made her dream come true. At the end of her life she bought a small island in Finland to settle there with her mother. She arranged children’s festivals on the island and read her tales for the young audience. Her house, like the one in the Moominland, was always open to her numerous friends and readers, who often came to her island.

1. Moominland is a region in Finland.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

2. When Tove Jansson was a child, she was keen on literature and arts.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

3. Tove Jansson’s mother was a well-known Finnish artist.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

4. Tove Jansson had never been on a sea voyage.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

5. Tove Jansson’s college teachers were impressed with her academic results.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

6. Tove Jansson’s first book was a success.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

7.Writing children’s books was Tove Jansson’s only occupation.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

8. When Tove Jansson settled on the island, she received a lot of guests.

1) True

2) False

3) Not stated