проект по теме английского языка правила для моих родителей пятый класс 10 предложений
Rules for my parents
1. I want my parents to be allowed to eat sweets!
2. That my parents would be allowed to take pets(если не разрешают)
3.That they would kiss and hug me very often
4. Never swore!
5. Helped me clean the house / room
6. They allowed me to sit for 3-2 hours in gadgets
7. That they would give me a lot of attention
8. That we would walk for many hours every day
9. That would give 8 thousand rubles for a birthday
10. Supported in studies
незнаю я пыталась придумать предложения потому что это сложно в основном 10-9-3-2-4-7 происходят в семьях часто а 4-1-6 не часто происходят в семьях
1.My parents must go to bed no later than ten o'clock.
2.They must take care of me eat 3 times a day
3.should not swear or quarrel
4.my parents shouldn't be late at work
5.and help me with lessons
дальше сам придумай просто я не знаю характер твоей семьи