Опишите время за последние два года, когда вам приходилось отстаивать свое мнение. Что ты сделал? Почему? Describe a time in the last two years when you had to defend your opinion. What did you do? Why? умоляю помогите сочинение
In the autumn of last year, I unexpectedly faced a difficult situation. My mother told me that in her opinion I should start taking additional math lessons and found a tutor to give me lessons outside school. I was shocked by her quick and thoughtless decision but I couldn't resist her attack and went to take the first lesson.
When the lesson was over, I realised that I wouldn't endure other lessons, as math was not my favourite subject at school, and this additional overload was definitely unbearable. I came back home and told my mom that it was the last lesson of math I had taken outside school. Needless to say that after these words we got into an argument immediately. My mother tried to get me something across about the importance of solving higher mathematics, while I tried to convince her that math was not the subject in which I could be proficient. In the end, I told her that I wouldn't ever go to that tutor again, because it would be just a waste of time. She trailed off, and we stopped arguing.
This experience taught me that I have to be sure in what I want to do or study. Sometimes, we need to be mature enough to oppose other's people wishes or opinions if we feel that they can be harmful or dangerous to us. In this case, a feeling of dignity, in my opinion, is playing the main role.