Предмет: Химия, автор: alkaseltzer

Объясните, почему водные растворы карбоната калия и гидрокарбоната калия имеют щелочную реакцию? Ответ подтвердите уравнениями реакций. 


Автор ответа: беспредел96
K+1 сильное основание
СО3-2 слабая кислота
след-но гидролиз идет по аниону
СО3-2 + HOH = НСО3- + ОН- (рН > 7 среда щелочная)
=> К2СО3 + Н2О = КНСО3 + КОН (щелочная среда)
K+1 сильное основание
НСО3-1 слабая кислота
след-но гидролиз идет по аниону
НСО3-1 + HOH = Н2СО3 + ОН- (рН > 7 среда щелочная)
=> КНСО3 + Н2О = Н2О + СО2 + KOH (т.к. Н2СО3 не постоянная кислота, она сразу распадется на углекислый газ и воду)
(щелочная среда)

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Venchik222
Fill in the gaps with the positive or negative forms of the verbs in the simple past tense. Then match the pictures with the sentences. (Write the numbers into the circles.)
1. Gary ______________ (NOT RUN) fast enough to cross the finish line.
2. Andy ____________ (NOT BE) scared by the film.
3. Phil _____________ (SHOW) his dog how good the food ______________ (TASTE).
4. Paul __________ (LOOK) at the antlers in the mirror. He _____________ (THINK) they were silly.
5. Mark ______________ (DRINK) the tea and _____________ (FORGET) about the spoon.
6. Ken ___________ (CATCH) himself with the rod.
7. The goat ______________ (SEE) the flower behind the man’s back.
8. The musician ____________ (PLAY) on the pipe. He __________________ (NOT PLAY) the flute.
9. The child ______________ (FIND) the medicine disgusting and terrible.
10. The men _____________ (HAVE) an argument.
11. Harry __________________ (NOT UNDERSTAND) the book because he ____________ (HOLD) it upside down.
12. Richard’s chair _______________ (FALL) over.
13. Fred __________ (HIT) the tree with his head.
14. Dan _________________ (NOT CATCH) a fish.
15. Leo _______________ (DIVE) in his bathtub.
16. The magician ___________________ (NOT PUT) on his trousers.
17. The ball ___________ (ROLL) through Al’s feet.
18. Walter _________ (TEACH) his dog how to bring the newspaper.
19. Sam ____________ (NEED) a chair to play the double bass.
20. Martin ______________(RIDE) a hobby horse.
21. Jason ________________ (NOT BUY) a real horse for the polo matches. He just _______________ (NOT HAVE) enough money.
22. Tom was angry and _________ (EAT) the book.
23. The puck _____________ (FLY) through the air and ______________ (HURT) the player.
24. Oliver _________(NOT SEE) the butterfly. It ___________(SIT) on his back.