Помоги пожалуйста срочно
1. I read his article last week. 2. I didn't
see him yesterday. 3. Their friends visited them (went to visit them) last week.
4. We asked him: "What is
your last name?" 5. Petrov's sisters decided to visit
him and left for him last week. 6. The weather was
good, and the children asked their sister to take them to the park.
7. Where did you see him last week? -- We saw
him at the theater. His children were with him, too. 8. Be-
lov's friends asked him about (his) work, and he answered their
questions. 9. I will take these magazines and read them at home.
b) on the use of verbs to love (to love), to like (nra-
1. I love reading. 2. He likes to read after lunch.
3. My sister's son likes to skate. 4. Do you like skiing?
5. We love our country.
6. Do you like this park? 7. Did they like the new
movie? -- Yes, they liked him very much. 8. Kakie knign
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