Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Аноним

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Автор ответа: daapo0


6/30 и 5/30

9/36 и 4/36

2/10 и 1/10

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: YeBoiii
Решите пожалуйста! даю 50 баллов!
A. Complete these sentences with either a few or a little:
1. ____________ friends of ours are coming to dinner this evening. For dessert, I’m going to serve
____________ strawberries with ____________ cream on top.
2. I can’t give you a decision immediately. I’ve got ____________ things to do before I can look at the
project, and I’ll need ____________ time to think about it.
3. We could have ____________ wine with the cheese. I bought ____________ bottles the other day, so I’ll open one.
4. There are ____________ people in the class who would pass the exam if they were prepared to make____________ effort and do ____________ work at home.

B. Complete the sentences with either few or a few:
1. I’ve invited ____________ people to a party this evening. It should be a pleasant evening.
He invited a lot of people to the party, but ____________ came.

2. I hope this new job will give me ____________ opportunities to travel. I’d like to visit foreign countries.
He changed his job because the old one gave him ____________ opportunities to travel and he was bored, always working in the same office.

3. The party did badly in the elections. Very ____________ people voted for it.
The party did badly in the elections. Only ____________ people supported it.

4. ____________ writers have described the situation in the country accurately, and only ____________ of those really understand
the reason for it.

5. Very ____________ delegates at the conference filled in the questionnaire, so I’d be grateful for___________ suggestions from
the audience.

C. Complete the sentences with few, a few, little or a little:
1. There’s very ____________ work to be done here at weekends. We sometimes get ___________________
urgent messages to deal with, but in general the office is quiet.

2. ____________ people would put up with working conditions like that. He earns very ______________________
money, and gets _________________ satisfaction from it.

3. It’s a difficult process, and very ____________ operators learn it straightaway. You need___________
patience. When you’ve worked with the machine ____________ times, and gained____________ experience,
you won’t find it so hard.

4. ____________ climbers would have attempted to climb that mountain in winter. They knew they had
____________ chance of success, but with ____________ luck they would have reached the top. It’s sad that
the snowstorm forced them to turn back when they were only ____________ metres from the summit.

5. I was so cold that there was very ____________ feeling in my legs. I could move my feet ___________ , but when
I tried to take ____________ steps I almost fell down.
Предмет: Химия, автор: pavel256pavel
1. Солеобразующим оксидом не является:

а) CO2; б) CuO; в) SeO3; г) NO.

2. Соединения с общей формулой R1 – COO – R2 относят к классу:

а) кетонов; в) сложных эфиров;

б) простых эфиров; г) карбоновых кислот.

3. Формула амфотерного соединения:

а) Ca(OH)2; в) NH2CH2COOH;

б) CH3COOH; г) KHSO4.

4. Медь вступает в реакцию только:

а) с кислородом; в) с азотом;

б) с соляной кислотой; г) с оксидом углерода(1V).

5. Алюминотермией можно получить:

а) Na; б) Mg; в) Fe; г) Са.

6. Даны: кислород, кокс, карбин, озон. Количество химических элементов образующих эти вещества:

а) 1; б) 2; в) 3; г) 4.

7. Азотная кислота не реагирует:

а) с глицерином; в) с карбонатом кальция;

б) с бензолом; г) с оксидом кремния.

8. Гидроксид меди (II) реагирует:

а) с оксидом железа (III); в) с этанолом;

б) с уксусной кислотой; г) с кислородом.

Часть В.

1. Составьте уравнения реакций по цепочке превращений:

Конечным веществом Х в цепочке превращений

+ H2O + HCl + AgNO3 t

Na 2O --------> A ------> B --------> C -----> X является вещество

с формулой

а) NaOH; б) Na2CO3; в) Nа2O; г) O2

2. Составьте уравнения реакций по цепочке превращений:

Конечным веществом Х в цепочке превращений

+Н2О +Н2О, Нg+2 +H2, Ni +Na

СаС2 ------>А -------> В --------- > С ------ > Х является:

а) этаналь; в) этан;

б) ацетат натрия; г) этилат натрия.