Предмет: Русский язык, автор: karabm

Срочно! ПЖ
По ночам в садах пели соловьи. На бульваре распускались клейкие тополя. В мрачном лесу приутихли птицы. Скучно и грустно стояло одинокое деревце. Августовским утром под навесом бабушка шила. В пустынных ущельях бродят туманы. Вдали заклубились гигантские облака. Изредка на бегал лёгкий ветерок.
1) подчеркни орфограммы
2) проверочные слова


Автор ответа: uspex13


По ночам (нОчь) в садах (сАд) пели соловьи (солОвушка). На бульваре распускались (С в притсавке перед корнем на глухой) клейкие тополя (тОполь). В мрачном лесу (лЕс) приутихли (И в приставке со значением неполноты действия) птицы (Ы после Ц в окончании). Скучно (скучать) и грустно (грустить) стояло (стОя) одинокое (одИн) деревце (дерЕвья). Августовским утром под навесом (раздельное написание предлога) бабушка шила (И после шипящих). В пустынных (пустыня) ущельях бродят туманы. Вдали заклубились гигантские (гиганты) облака (Облако). Изредка (рЕденький) набегал лёгкий (лёгонький) ветерок (вЕтер).


hdfcjvjgjj: Здравствуйте, помогите пожалуйста, с русским языком . Нужно описать речевую по картине
hdfcjvjgjj: речевую ситуацию
hdfcjvjgjj: помогите пожалуйста
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Dear Michael, I am writing my first letter in English to you from Cambridge, as I have promised you. There are many students from all over the world living and studying here. I will be studying at the English Language School for a whole school year. I can’t believe it! My days are unforgettable. I am learning so much every moment. Thing are going very well for me here. In your letter you asked me to describe my host family, my new friends and many other things. Well, I hope to describe some of them in this letter. As for my host family, they are really very nice and hospitable! Their names are Jennifer and Christian, and they’ve got a son John. Jennifer is a housewife and, as our mum, she takes care of the family. She is very understanding and loving. Christian is a mechanic. He repairs both old and modern cars. He is serious about his work and polite. But he has a very good sense of humour. John is a nice boy. He is only four but next September he’ll become a pupil. They are very kind and friendly. They made me feel like part of the family. It is easy for me to get on well with them. I’ve made some good new friends at school too. All the students are very friendly. I am having a really good time. It is very interesting for me to practice English. I love to speak and learn new English words. Mickey, you will come to visit me at winter holidays, won’t you? Cambridge is wonderful but I miss my family and Spain. We are going to have a party tomorrow in our language school. Next weekend we are going to London. I am looking forward to this trip. In my next letter I’ll write you more about my new school. Kisses and hugs to you all.

Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос

What is this story about?

A. It's about the life of a Spanish student.
B. It's about the life of a English family.
C. It's about the life of a English student.

Задание 4. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту, - T (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту, - F (false).

1. Raul is studying a foregn language in Cambridge.
2. There are four people in his host family
3. Raul likes his host family
4. Raul has no friends in his language school.