короче можете пжшка просто даже на русском написать что нужно вписать в каждую строчку. у меня вообще нет фантазии [cry]

1) I live in Ukraine, Kiev. 2)It's very awesome and interesting country! 3)The best thing about my country is mountains. There are so beautiful, their appearance is mesmerizing. looking at them you want to stay there forever and enjoy the views every day. 4) I always love my country. even when it's rainy or too hot. 5)I think my country is the best in the world. 6) I am proud that I was born in Ukraine, especially in the capital of this beautiful country. 7)There are some photos of the places of my hometown. for example lakes, parks and many other beautiful things. in the first photo you can see my favorite park in the city. trees very nicely complement the picture, creating a wonderful euphoria. 8) I took this picture yesterday,at evening.
9) I think that the views in my country are difficult to convey in words and you definitely need to see it live, come to our country, it's really wonderful!