помогите с английским

Ответ: номер 6
2) Could you tell me who runs the homeless shelter in your town ?
3) I wonder how much money do celebrities give to charity ?
4) Do you know how many turtle species are endangered ?
5) I doubt if the goverment can solve the problem of unemployment
once and for all
6) Could you tell me where can i find the job training centre ?
7) I want to know how can i make compost in my backyard
номер 8
2. I know i should put some cream on my skin
3. they said have i got clothes for charity ?
4. she wants to get our own recycle bin
5. he asked paul to use his computer.
6. she said class to be quiet.
P.s извиняюсь сразу если где-то ошибся но я старался.