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Автор ответа: IynL


мб 17,28


я думаю скобок не должно быть :/

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sa1va
Всем доброе утро, кто сможет помочь с этим, буду неописуемо благодарен. Заранее спасибо огромное вам.

12. Выберите правильную глагольную форму.
1. I corrected the mistake (found/founded) by my teacher.
2. They (showed/shown) us a new movie last week.
3. The movie (showed/shown) was very (boring/bored).
4. He keeps the letter (wrote/written) by his girlfriend.
5. They (improved/improve) the method: the method (improve/improved) was
very helpful in their work.
6. He (took/take) all the letters (received/receiving) that day.
7. No train (arrived/arriving) at the station during the night because of the snow
8. The theatre (built/builds) in the 18* century is the most beautiful building in
the city.
Упр. 13. Образуйте Participle II от приведённых ниже глаголов и заполните
ими пропуски в предложениях: to record, to contain, to flatten, to cause, to divide,
to radiate, to launch, to deduce.
1. Ice ages (вызванные) by different mechanisms are still a puzzle to scientists.
2. The last period of glaciation (зарегистрированный) in the geological history
ended about twenty-five thousand years ago.
3. The age of the Sun can be estimated from the rate of the energy (излучаемой)
by it.
4. The total amount of salt (содержащийся) in the sea can be measured.
5. In recent centuries it was learned that the earth is an imperfect sphere, slightly
(сплющенная) at the poles and (растянутая) at the Equator.
6. The orbits of the first artificial satellites, (запущенных) in 1957 and 1958,
showed that the flattening is less than had been thought.
7. Numerically the flattening is defined as the difference between the equatorial
diameter and the polar diameter, (делённые) by the equatorial diameter.
8. The earth's shape, (выведенная) by Newton theoretically in his Principia in
1687, was a great help at that time.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Nikita6376
Помогите по английскому, пожалуйста. Вставьте в нужной форме глаголы)

If you (1 — like) stories I (2 — tell) you a true story. It (3 — happen) to a friend of mine a year ago. While my friend Geoige (4 — to read) in bed two thieves (5 — climb) into his kitchen. After they (6 — enter) the house, they (7 — go) into the dining room. It (8 — be) very dark, so they (9 — turn) on a torch (фонарь) . Suddenly they (10 — hear) a voice behind them. "What (11 — be) up?" someone (12 — call). The thieves (13 — drop) the torch and (14— run) away as fast as they (15 — can). Geoige (16 — hear) the noise and (17— come) downstairs quickly. He (18 — turn) on the light but couldn't sec anything. The thieves already (19 — go). But George's parrot Henry (20 – be) still there. "What (21 — be) up?" he (22 — call). "Nothing," George (23 – say) and (24 – smile). "If something (25— happen) I (26— let) you (27— know)." And George (28 — leave) the room.b)The relations between dolphins and human beings long (1 — surprise) people. These relations (2 — last) for thousands of years. Pictures of dolphins (3 — use) to decorate the coins of ancient Greeks. Sailors (4— consider) the presence of dolphins near ships to be good luck. Now dolphins (5 — train) and they (6 — take) part in performances that both children and grown-ups (7 — like). When you (8 — spend) your holiday on the Black Sea coast you (9 — can) see dolphins (10 — play) near the shore. They usually (11 — come) early in the morning and before sunset. They (12 — consider) to be our friends. No one ever (13 — see) a dolphin attack human beings.