Предмет: Информатика, автор: osipovasa34

1. Закончите утверждение: «Чем больше первоначальная неопределённость знания, тем…»
а) больше информации несёт сообщение, снимающее эту неопределённость
б) больше равновероятных исходов некоторого события
в) меньше равновероятных исходов некоторого события
г) меньше информации несёт сообщение, снимающее эту неопределённость

2. Что такое информация?
а) снятая неопределённость знания человека об исходе некоторого события
б) длина двоичного кода, с помощью которого кодируется символы алфавита
в) преобразование в форму, пригодную для передачи по каналу связи
г) способ измерения хранимого или передаваемого кода

gvdement: 1/а 2/г


Автор ответа: gvdement


1 а 2г



AKSBIII: Если интернет урок 2а
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vfhujif5530
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The Parliament of Great Britain was formed in 1707 by the Acts of Union passed by both the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland. The Acts created a new Kingdom of Great Britain and dissolved both the English and Scottish parliaments, replacing them with a new Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain.
It was only after George I ascended the Throne in 1714 that power began to shift from the Sovereign to Parliament. George was a German ruler, spoke poor English and thus entrusted power to a group of his ministers.
Towards the end of the 18th century the monarch still had considerable influence over Parliament which itself was dominated by the English aristocracy and by patronage. At general elections the vote was restricted to property owners, which were out of date and did not reflect the growing importance of manufacturing towns or shifts of population. In 1780 a draft programme of reform was drawn up by Charles James Fox and Thomas Brand Hollis, and put forward by a sub-committee of the electors of Westminster. This included calls for the six points later adopted by the Chartists.
The American Revolutionary War ended in defeat of a policy which King George III had fervently advocated, and in March 1782 the King was forced to appoint an administration led by his opponents. In November 1783 he used his influence in the House of Lords to dismiss the government and appoint William Pitt the Younger as his Prime Minister. Proposals Pitt made in April 1785 to redistribute seats from the "rotten boroughs" to London were defeated in the House of Commons by 248 votes to 174.
In 1801 the Parliament of the United Kingdom was created when the Kingdom of Great Britain was merged with the Kingdom of Ireland to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland under the Act of Union 1800.
Предмет: Литература, автор: мэргэнгармаев555