Предмет: Русский язык, автор: artemz1t3x

Вставить пропущенные буквы, уметь объяснить орфограмму Спиши. Вставь пропущенные буквы. Выдели суффикс. Бант...к, винт...к, внуч...к, диванч...к, горош...к, дружоч...к, дожд...к, звоноч...к, дом...к, сыноч...к, сад...к, песоч...к, мост...к, ножич...к, куст...к, калач...к, мяч...к, нос...к, огонёч...к, мальч...к, куб...к, прут...к, листоч...к, молоточ...к, карандаш...к, огурч...к свисточ...к, цветоч...к, уголоч...к, кирпич...к, ореш...к, ключ...к, кармаш...к, лист...к, комоч...к, нож...к, кусоч...к, пальч...к, котёноч...к, пирожоч...к, стебелёч...к лич...ко, платоч...к, самолёт...к , пруд...к Вставьте, где необходимо, пропущенные разделительные ъ и ь. Авин..он, ад..юнктура, ад..ютант, ар..ергард, батал..он, без..абзацный, без..аварийный, без..ухий, без..ёмкостный, без..ядерный, без..языкий, бул..он, вз..обраться, вз..есться, в..есться, в..ехать, в..ёт, В..етнам, в..юн, двух..аршинный, двух..ярусный, дез..активация, дез..установка, дет..ясли, дос..е, друз..я, д..явол, из..обличить, из..украсить, из..евший, из..ездить, из..являть, из..ян, интерв..ю, ин..екция.​


Автор ответа: AnSi7089008620

artemz1t3x: это только половина
AnSi7089008620: Я знаю,я хотела полностью но оно отправилось
artemz1t3x: ок
artemz1t3x: ты дополнишь?
AnSi7089008620: Да сейчас
AnSi7089008620: Авиньон, адъюнктура, адъютант, арьергард, батальон, безабзацный, безаварийный, безухий, безъемкостный, безъядерный, безъязыкий, бульон, взобраться, взъесться, въесться, въехать, вьёт, Вьетнам, вьюн, двухаршинный, двухъярусный, дезактицаия, дезустановка, детясли, досье, друзья, дьявол, изобличить, изукрасить, изъевший, изъездить, изъявлять, изьян, интервью, иньекция
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vfhujif5530

The legislative branch - the Congress - is made up of elected representatives from each of the 50 states. The Constitution sets up a bi-cameral body known as the U.S. Congress to raise and to spend national revenue and to draft laws. It is the only branch of U.S. government that can make federal laws, declare war and put foreign treaties into effect.
Members of the House of Representatives are elected to two year terms. Each member represents a district in his or her home state. The number of districts is determined by the census, which is conducted every 10 years. Senators are elected to six year terms, staggered so that one third of the Senate stands for election every two years. The Constitution provides that the vice-president shall be president of the Senate. The House of Representatives chooses its own presiding officer -- the speaker of the House.
The chief executive of the United States is the president, who together with the vice-president is elected to a four year term. As a result of a 1951 constitutional amendment, a president may be elected to only two terms. As the chief formulator of national policy, the president proposes legislation to Congress and may veto any bill passed by Congress. The president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The executive branch of the Government is responsible for enforcing the laws of the land. The Vice President, department heads (Cabinet members), and heads of independent agencies assist in this capacity.
The judicial branch is headed by the U.S. Supreme Court, which is the only court specifically created by the Constitution. In addition, Congress has established 13 federal courts of appeals and 95 federal district courts. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges as vacancies occur, including justices of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court meets in Washington, D.C., and the other federal courts are located in cities throughout the United States.

What is the Congress made up of?
What is the Congress made up for?
How is the number of districts determined?
What is a Senator’s term?
Who is the head of the Senate?
Why may a president be elected to only two terms?
What powers does a President have?
How are federal courts created?
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним