Перевести на английский, срочно, 100 баллов!
При проведении рыночного исследования компаниям следует сбалансировать конкретные запросы покупателя и другие факторы развития,
такие как стоимость и всю систему усовершенствования.
3. Их доля на рынке составляет в Европе всего лишь 5%.
4. Хайнц сохранил первое место в рыночной доли и объемах продаж
на 11 лет.
5. Благодаря широкому ассортименту продукции компания смогла
достигнуть высоких результатов и выйти в новый сегмент рынка.
6. Повышая осведомление о бренде среди покупателей, фирма старается увеличить свои продажи и лояльность покупателей.
7. Перед запуском продукта в массовое производство и стартом его
продаж в розничных магазинах необходимо провести глубокое исследование рынка.
8. Создавая компанию необходимо правильно выбрать имя бренда,
которое может повлиять на имидж бреда в будущем.
9. Размещение изделий в телевизионных программ зачастую приводит к неожиданно положительным результатам.
10. Рыночные законы жестоки и каждая фирма в отрасли, которая борется за увеличение своей рыночной доли должна вкладывать больше
средств в рекламирование с помощью знаменитостей, чтобы заинтересовать своих потенциальных покупателей и убедить их в качестве товара и
11. Нам нужно получить более надежную информацию, прежде чем
мы сможем что-либо предпринять.
12. Это исследование рынка помогает выявить проблемы, которые
иначе могли бы остаться незамеченными.
13. Наши полуфабрикаты особенно популярны среди молодых одиноких людей.
14. Эти страны рискуют потерять свою долю рынка и превратиться в
простых поставщиков.
15. Мы считаем, что продукция кондитерской фабрики «Нева» понравится всем группам населения.
16. Этот старый продукт получил новое воплощение (be reincarnated), которое должно понравиться более молодым покупателям
When conducting market research, companies should balance the specific buyer's needs with other development factors,
such as cost and the whole system of improvement.
3. Their market share in Europe is only 5%.
4. Heinz retained # 1 in market share and sales
for 11 years.
5. Thanks to a wide range of products, the company was able to
achieve high results and enter a new market segment.
6. By raising awareness of the brand among buyers, the firm tries to increase its sales and customer loyalty.
7. Before launching a product into mass production and starting it
In-depth market research is required for retail sales.
8. When creating a company, you must choose the right brand name,
which may affect the image of delirium in the future.
9. Placing products in television programs often leads to unexpectedly positive results.
10. Market laws are harsh and every firm in the industry that is struggling to increase its market share should invest more
means of advertising with celebrities to interest their potential buyers and convince them of the quality of the product and
11. We need more reliable information before
we can do something.
12. This market research helps to identify problems that
otherwise they might have gone unnoticed.
13. Our convenience foods are especially popular with young single people.
14. These countries risk losing their market share and becoming
simple suppliers.
15. We believe that the products of the Neva confectionery factory will appeal to all groups of the population.
16. This old product has been reincarnated, which should appeal to younger customers.
When conducting market research, companies
should balance specific
customer requests and other development factors,
such as cost and the entire
improvement system.
3. Their market share in Europe is only
4. Heinz retained the first place in market share and
sales volumes
for 11 years.
5. Thanks to a wide range of products
, the company was able
to achieve high results and enter a new
market segment.
6. By increasing brand awareness among
customers, the company tries to increase its
sales and customer loyalty.
7. Before launching a product into mass production
and starting its
sales in retail stores, it is necessary to conduct
a deep market research.
8. When creating a company, it is necessary to
choose the right brand name,
which can affect the image of nonsense in the future.
9. Placing products in television programs
often leads to unexpectedly positive
10. Market laws are cruel and every firm in
the industry that is struggling to increase its
market share should invest more
money in advertising with the help of celebrities
in order to interest its potential customers
customers and convince them of the quality of the product and
11. We need to get more reliable information
we can do anything.
12. This market research helps to identify
problems that
might otherwise go unnoticed.
13. Our semi-finished products are especially popular among
young single people.
14. These countries risk losing their market share and
simple suppliers
15. We believe that the products of the Neva confectionery factory
will appeal to all groups of the population.
16. This old product has received a new incarnation
(be reincarnated), which should appeal to
younger buyers