Предмет: Українська мова, автор: lizaemelyanova2710

Вирази зі словами: Де в чому, де з ким, з деким, до декого, від абикого, аби від кого, аби з ким, з абиким, ні на якій, на ніякій, на хтозна-що, хтозна на що, десь.


Автор ответа: ksenyiaprivat

Де в чому ти (правий), де з ким (розмовляють), з деким (із вас), до декого (збираюся), від абикого (прийшла посилка), аби від кого(дізнався про щось) , аби з ким (їде), з аби ким (розмовляє),

ні на якій(вечірці), на ні якій (виставі) , хтозна-що (бачить), хтозна на що (має), десь (далеко).

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What do you think is the biggest problem facing today's teenagers? Most British parents would guess that it's drugs, but they are wrong. Interesting feelings have come out of a survey conducted by Get Connected, -a telephone helpline for young people. They talked to 510 young people between the ages of fifteen and nineteen and also to their parents. They have found that parents are so worried about their children getting mixed up with drugs that they fail to see that the main causes of anxiety for most young peo­ple are relationships, especially those with friends. Nothing, it seems, can be worse than falling out with your best friends.
A spokesperson from Get Connected said that young people rely on their friends to talk through any problems they may have. If they fall out with their friends, then there is no one, and this can seriously affect their men­tal health. The message, is, therefore: it is your friends who keep you sane.
People today rely less and less on large family groups, and more and more on friends. Another survey in the USA has found that young people today have larger groups of friends than was the case twenty or thirty years ago. Having a close group of people to depend on seems more attractive and more secure than one exclusive relationship with one other person, which can be devastat­ing if it goes wrong. In fact, students at Bristol University in England said recently that couples are a thing of the past.
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