Предмет: Литература, автор: yulyalevytskaaa

які чесноти народного героя втілено в образі Іллі Муромця? ​


Автор ответа: instamommy4

To BrownShorter Shorter that t

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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Ппрррр657
Среди пред­ло­же­ний 20–25 най­ди­те слож­но­под­чинённое пред­ло­же­ние с од­но­род­ным и по­сле­до­ва­тель­ным под­чи­не­ни­ем при­да­точ­ных. На­пи­ши­те номер этого пред­ло­же­ния.
(20)Коль­ка ис­пу­ган­но дрог­нул и вы­ро­нил книгу. (21)Все за­сме­я­лись. (22)А он, го­то­вый от стыда про­ва­лить­ся сквозь землю, густо по­крас­нел, то­роп­ли­во под­нял её и, по­гла­див об­лож­ку, ото­дви­нул от себя, слов­но из­ви­ня­ясь за то, что по­смел к ней при­кос­нуть­ся.
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(24)Трид­цать лет про­шло с тех пор, но я до сих пор помню тот слу­чай с кни­гой, когда я не­ча­ян­но раз­ру­шил огром­ный дом че­ло­ве­че­ской веры, когда я сде­лал боль­но дру­го­му и не нашёл в себе му­же­ства ис­пра­вить ошиб­ку. (25)И наша жизнь пошла по дру­гой до­ро­ге, где всем боль­но и оди­но­ко, где нет тех, кто может под­нять упав­ших.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

Friends, those that you choose to spend your time with and that you love, are one of the most important aspects of our life. Friendship is something that cannot be bought or sold. It’s just something that happens naturally between people that have something in common. Such friends feel similar to each other in a certain way, or just like being together.

There are many factors which are important in a friendship. One of them is keeping up communication: how often you can see your friend, whether you are ready to help your friend. I think some kind of shared interest or a similar sense of humour is important. Also, there are some shared points of reference, so you always have something to talk about. Many people feel that in order to keep a friendship strong it’s important to live in close vicinity to each other and to be able to meet regularly. If you can see your friend very often and you can feel that you have a lot in common, a very deep friendship can develop.

There is no limit to the number of friends that you can have. But I think that a close friend can be only one. My close friend is my classmate. He is rather tall and overweight. I don’t feel he takes as much exercise as he should. He used to go to the gym, but he found it really boring. His main exercise is walking and swimming. He has very short hair. He is brown-haired. He has blue eyes and wears glasses. He is calm and quite easy-going. We have long walks with each other during which we discuss different things. We learn through the experience of all the things that happen to us. We try not to get too depressed by everything and think about positive side of the things. My friend is witty and you can laugh with him and joke. If my friend is ill or in trouble, I always try to help him cope with his problems. We are equal in our friendship. There is a saying that communication can occur between equals, and I really believe it is so. I really feel that a fantastic foundation for achieving or creating anything is a strong friendship.
Предмет: Математика, автор: Nadya368583