напиши текст Или нарисуй картинку на тему твой идеальный класс
The ideal school is the dream of every student. I wish that the lessons start a bit later , because it is still dark in the morning especially in winter and I want to sleep all the time . Of course it would be great if we were allowed to choose subjects which we should learn. Well, I do not like Physics and Chemistry! But I love History and Literature and I am fond of English! Suppose that every day we would have only our favorite lessons. And, of course, we would like to choose our teachers. And not because of some of them are good and others are angry. Not in this case. I want to study from experienced, competent and those teachers who love their job and us such harmful and naughty, but we’re so bad. Ideal School is a school where there are classes you don’t want to miss, and when during the holidays you miss you classmates and teachers and you want to run there every morning!
Сейчас я раскажу про мой класс. Мой класс всегда тихийа когда уитель спрашивает у них что либы тогда они поднимает руку и отвечает. Они в любой момент готовы ответить на вопрос. Мой класс всегда внимательно слушают учителя. Никто в моём классе не перебивает другого (другую).Вот такой мой идеальный класс.