ex 1, 2, 3 p12

1. 1) We use there is in the singular
2) We use there are in the plural
3) We use is there / are there in questions
2. 2) A: Are there any books in the bookcase?
B: Yes, there are
3) A: Are there any cushions on the sofa?
B: Yes, there are
4) A: Is there a carpet on the floor?
B: No, there isn't
5) A: Are there any curtains in front of the windows?
B: No, there aren't
6) A: Are there any chairs in the living room?
B: No, there aren't
В третьем задании ты рассказываешь о своей комнате
3. 1) There is a bed.
2) Есть ли у тебя ковёр? Если да, пишешь There is a carpet, если нет, то There isn't a carpet
3) Есть ли у тебя три стула? Если да There are three chairs, ну а если нет, то There aren't three chairs
И также с остальными вопросами)
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