Прочитайте предложения и дополните их придаточными местоимениями/наречиями: who, where, when, why, whose, which, whom.
This is the house _________ I lived with my parents.
The reason __________ he suddenly left the party was that his mom called him and asked to come back home.
He remembers the day __________ he went to school for the first time.
Mary, _________ daughter is only three years old, takes her to work.
The activity __________ Mike has chosen is basketball.
There are more and more people in the world __________ start taking care of the environment.
The puppy _________ friends gave him is black and white.
Would you mind if I tell Mr. Bradberry whom I have chosen for this job?
She didn’t remember _________ his birthday was.
Could you tell me _________ the nearest shopping mall is?
1. This is the house where I lived with my parents.
2. The reason why he suddenly left the party was that his mom called him and asked to come back home.
3. He remembers the day when he went to school for the first time.
4. Mary, whose daughter is only three years old, takes her to work.
5. The activity which Mike has chosen is basketball.
6. There are more and more people in the world who start taking care of the environment.
7. The puppy which friends gave him is black and white.
8. Would you mind if I tell Mr. Bradberry whom I have chosen for this job?
9. She didn’t remember when his birthday was.
10. Could you tell me where the nearest shopping mall is?
Who - человек
Which - предмет/животное
When - время
Why - причина
Whose - чей
Whom - кому
Where - место
1. Это дом, в котором я жил с родителями.
2. Причина, по которой он внезапно ушел с вечеринки, заключалась в том, что его мама позвонила ему и попросила вернуться домой.
3. Он помнит тот день, когда впервые пошел в школу.
4. Мэри, дочери которой всего три года, берет ее с собой на работу.
5. Майк выбрал баскетбол.
6. В мире становится все больше людей, которые начинают заботиться об окружающей среде.
7. Щенок, которого ему подарили друзья, черно-белый.
8. Вы не возражаете, если я скажу мистеру Брэдберри, кого я выбрал для этой работы?
9. Она не помнила, когда у него был день рождения.
10. Не могли бы вы сказать мне, где находится ближайший торговый центр?#SPJ3