Предмет: Биология, автор: Irameleshko26

медоти вивчення природи експеремент


Автор ответа: kovalovakris


Експеримент — третій крок до пізнання природи

Експериментом називають вивчення тіл і явищ природи в спеціально створених умовах. Під час експерименту можна багаторазово повторити дослідження. При цьому дослідник може змінювати умови, у яких проводить експеримент.

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Помогите, пожалуйста с переводом. СРОЧНО!!! Публикую второй раз
P.S. транслейтом я и сама воспользоваться могу

From the down of history Egyptian art tended towards monumental forms of expression. Architecture, serving primarily the worship of the dead, the state religion and the glorificathion of the ruler, developed as an art that strove to overcome the transitory nature of life on earth. The Egyptians believed that an essential condition for the posthumous life of man was the preservation of his bodily remains and their safe placing in a tomb. The tomb would withstand the ravages of time and human interference. Such beliefs made the Egyptians build massive stone tombs. Gigantic pyramids were made first in a terraeed form and then with smooth sides, either pointed or trunceted. The same principles underlay the architecture of temples. They ensured the rules a continued existence in the beyond and the lasting favours of the gods.
The walls of the temples were pashalochka covered with pictures showing eventes in the lives of the gods and the kings. The main feature was outline drawing, color being used simply to fill in the drowing.
Egyptian sculpture depicted the dead. It was also used to dacorate architecture. Sculptures of gods and pharaohs were usually carved in hard stone and placed close to the temples. They showed a surprising feeling for realism, both in tiny statuettes and monumental statues.
It was from Egypt that Greek art received its first stimulus.
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: GOODLUCK24