Предмет: Литература, автор: diarea006

Хелп плиз
Какие эпитеты используют поэтесса для описания родной земли?


Автор ответа: dmitry605


эпитеты — у поэтессы сон горький, ладанки заветные, а земля обетованная

метафоры — Ахматова создает образ родины, который выражается в виде грязи на калошах и хруста на зубах

инверсия — предложение «не делаем ее в душе своей» имеет непривычный порядок слов, это придает тексту излишнюю эмоциональность

Автор ответа: Botuk228


Я думаю, чтобы описать свою Родину, необходимо использовать слова: прекрасная, красивая, широкая, необъятная, любимая, многострадальная, добрая, роскошная, великолепная, несравненная, богатая, сердобольная, значимая, щедрая, милосердная, изумительная, яркая, душевная.

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Walter Camp has been called the most influential figure in American football, and with good reason. No other person did so much to revolutionize the Rugby-type game of the middle 1800s and turn it into the truly American sport it is today. Born in New Britain, Connecticut, on April 7, 1859, Walter Camp was a natural athlete. His ability was recognized when he entered Yale and was quickly selected for a halfback position on the football team. In those days a college football team consisted of 15 players — 8 forwards, 4 halfbacks, and 3 fullbacks. It was a wild sport with few rules and little or no strategy: this turned college football from a kicking and running game into a brutal battering contest and caused public outrage at the resulting toll in death and injuries. After playing the game for a while, Camp began to envision ways of making football more scientific and the play controllable. He made suggestions to the rules committee, and they were for the most part accepted. Among the suggestions were recommendations that there be 11 players to a side, and that "the man who receives the ball from the snapback ... be called the quarterback". The creation of the position of quarterback was perhaps Camp's most significant innovation. Another dramatic change, at Camp's suggestion, was to allow tackling below the waist. Camp excelled in other sports besides football. He was outstanding in baseball, track and swimming. After graduating he studied medicine for 2 years, then entered business. But he never allowed his career to interfere with his close ties to Yale. He remained active at his alma mater for many years as general director of athletics and advisory football coach. He also served in the Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee for 48 years. Although the early All-American teams, beginning in 1889, were picked by Caspar Whitney, the selections were later made by Walter Camp (a custom he continued throughout his life). He died in New York on March 14, 1925.