Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Teleportt
Переведите пожалуйста на английский.
1.Население - 18,7 млн., в основном потомки переселенцев из Великобритании, и Ирландии, а также иммигранты из других стран. Коренных жителей (аборигенов) - ок.228 тыс.чел. В Австралии проживают около 230 тыс. чел. - выходцев с территории бывшего СССР, в том числе 52 тыс. русских, более 30 тыс. украинцев, более 20 тыс. армян, более 40 тыс. выходцев из прибалтийских республик.
2.Валюта: Австралийский доллар. Один доллар равен 100 центам. В обращении находятся банкноты достоинством в 100, 50, 20, 10 и 5 долларов и монеты в 2, в 1 доллар и в 50, 20, 10 и 5 центов. Ввоз национальной и иностранной валюты не ограничен. Разрешен вывоз национальной и иностранной валюты - не более 5000 долларов.
Автор ответа:
- 18.7 million, mainly descendants of immigrants from the UK and Ireland , as well as immigrants from other countries. Alaska ( Aboriginal ) - ok.228 thousand. In Australia, home to some 230 thousand people . - Immigrants from the former USSR , including 52 thousand Russian , more than 30 thousand Ukrainians , more than 20 thousand Armenians , more than 40 thousand people from the Baltic republics .
2.Valyuta : Australian dollar . One dollar equals 100 cents . In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins of 2 , $ 1 , and 50 , 20, 10 and 5 cents. Import of the national and foreign currency is unlimited . The export of local and foreign currency - not more than $ 5,000.
- 18.7 million, mainly descendants of immigrants from the UK and Ireland , as well as immigrants from other countries. Alaska ( Aboriginal ) - ok.228 thousand. In Australia, home to some 230 thousand people . - Immigrants from the former USSR , including 52 thousand Russian , more than 30 thousand Ukrainians , more than 20 thousand Armenians , more than 40 thousand people from the Baltic republics .
2.Valyuta : Australian dollar . One dollar equals 100 cents . In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins of 2 , $ 1 , and 50 , 20, 10 and 5 cents. Import of the national and foreign currency is unlimited . The export of local and foreign currency - not more than $ 5,000.
Автор ответа:
1 . The population - 18,7 million, generally descendants of immigrants from Great Britain, and Ireland, and also immigrants from other countries. Aboriginals (natives) - apprx. 228 thousand people. In Australia live about 230 thousand people - natives from the territory of the former USSR, including 52 thousand Russians, more than 30 thousand Ukrainians, more than 20 thousand Armenians, more than 40 thousand natives from the Baltic republics.2 . Currency: Australian dollar. One dollar is equal to 100 cents. Banknotes of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins in 2, in 1 dollar and in 50, 20, 10 and 5 cents are in circulation. Import of national and foreign currency isn't limited. Export of national and foreign currency - no more than 5000 dollars is allowed.
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