Предмет: Литература, автор: 9510078city00

Любой рассказ в кратком содержании 5 класс главное пять предложений дам 25 балов срочно очень не ссылка с сайта​


Автор ответа: polllllinss

Капитанская дочка

Российская империя, 18-й век. Пётр Гринёв в шестнадцать лет попал на службу в небольшой степной гарнизон.

Там он влюбился в дочь коменданта гарнизона. Сослуживец Гринёва уже сватался к ней, но получил отказ. Сослуживец поссорился с Гринёвым из-за девушки и на дуэли ранил его. Капитанская дочка выхаживала Гринёва и полюбила его. Гринёв хотел жениться на девушке, но его отец был против.Начался крестьянский бунт. Бунтовщики захватили гарнизон, убили капитана и хотели повесить Гринёва, но его узнал главарь бунтовщиков — как-то зимой он остался без тёплой одежды, и Гринёв подарил ему заячий тулуп.

Гринёву пришлось оставить любимую и уехать. Вскоре он получил от неё письмо. Сослуживец, перешедший на сторону бунтовщиков, принуждал её к браку, и она просила о помощи.

Гринёв отправился в гарнизон, но попал к бунтовщикам. Главарю понравилась его смелость, и он помог спасти капитанскую дочку. Гринёв отвёз девушку к родителям, а сам отправился воевать с бунтовщиками.

Когда бунт был подавлен, арестованный сослуживец-предатель обвинил Гринёва в пособничестве бунтовщикам, и того приговорили к ссылке в Сибирь.

Капитанская дочка отправилась в Петербург, встретилась с императрицей и просила помиловать Гринёва. Гринёва помиловали, и влюблённые поженились.

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NAME:................................................................................................. DATE:..............................

CLASS:............................................................................................. MARK:.................................


A Fill in the correct word.

● fireworks ● special dish ● gardening ● flowers ● costumes ● celebrate

● dusting ● phone ● decorations ● homework

e.g. Everyone’s getting ready to celebrate the New Year’s Day.

1 At Halloween, we all wear strange ..............................................
2 Sam is doing the ......................He loves plants and flowers.
3 She loves to watch the ................. in the sky on Guy Fawkes' Night.
4 Mum is making a ............................... for dinner tonight.
5 He gives his mother............... on her birthday.
6 The room looks lovely with all the ………………….
7 Can I make a .............................................. call?
8 The living room is dirty we must do some ................
9 I’m sorry. I can't go out tonight because I'm doing my...................
10 Mum is making ................... for my birthday!

B Underline the correct word.

11 It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.
12 He doesn’t want to do/make the washing-up
13 Help your dad do/make the shopping.
14 Mum is doing/making a special dish.
15 They are doing/making wreaths.

C Choose the correct item.

16 On St. Patrick’s Day, we like to ............the parade.
A listen B watch C eat

17 This is a great game. Why don't you ..............in?
A join B go C come

18 After the party you can help me to..............
A work B take C clean

19 It’s great fun when we ... gifts.
A exchange B lose C return

20 Let’s play a game of ........................ chairs.
A talented B musical C dramatic


D Underline the correct word.

21 He is/are washing the car.
22 We is/are having a party.
23 I is/am eating a sandwich.
24 Is/Are they watching TV?
25 Is/Are she listening to music?

E Write the correct form of the verb in bracket

This e.g. is (be) Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire. They 26) ..............(be)
from Scunthorpe. Craig and Claire 27)............................ (have) the same blond hair
and blue eyes. In the picture, Craig 28).........................(sit) on a swing and Claire
29)................ (hold) him. They 30)................. (have) a great time.

F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

31 is/wearing/what/she?...............................................................................

32 watching/not/Susan/is/a/film.................................................................................

33 you/enjoying/your/holiday/are?...............................................................................

34 is/drums/not/Cynthia/today/playing/the.................................................................................

35 the/eating/are/wh/ not/sandwiches/ they?...............................................................................

Everyday English
G Match the questions to the responses.

e.g. Are you having fun? F A dozen white roses.

36 What do you think of the party? ...... B No, not really.

37 Are you doing anything at the moment? ...... C It's brilliant.

38 What do you have in mind? ...... D Yes, please. I have it ready.

39 What are the sandwiches like? ...... E They're horrible.

40 Would you like to include a card? ...... F Yes, we are.

H Read the text and answer the questions.

This a picture of my brother at his birthday party. His name is Paul and in this
picture he is wearing his favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of
decorations and Paul is having a great time. He is blowing a party horn and drinking
some orange juice. His friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to
happy music. You
can't see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen.
They are making all food and drinks.

41 What kind of hat is Paul wearing?...............................................................................

42 What is Paul doing?................................................................................

43 What are Paul's friends eating?...............................................................................

44 What is everybody listening to?................................................................................

45 Where are Paul's parents?...............................................................................
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: каролина64