Вставьте в предложение местоимения both, either, neither.
И объясните, пожалуйста, в чем разница между either и both?
There are trees on … bank of the river.
The man held a stick in … hands.
The hedge stretches on … side of the path.
I can hear them …, but I can see …
… of his two daughters could sing.
… of them has the same opinion.
… his legs were broken in the accident.
You may take … of the books, but not … of them.
Her long hair hung on … sides of her face.
What are you going to have, juice or milk? — …, I am not thirsty.
Sam and Tom are … my classmates but … is at school now.
… the bags, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take … of them. But I am afraid … will do (подойдет).
There are trees on either bank of the river.
The man held a stick in both hands.
The hedge stretches on either side of the path.
I can hear them both, but I can see neither
Neither of his two daughters could sing.
Neither of them has the same opinion.
both his legs were broken in the accident.
Her long hair hung on both sides of her face.
What are you going to have, juice or milk? — either, I am not thirsty.
Sam and Tom are both my classmates but neither is at school now.
both of the bags, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take either of them. But I am afraid neither will do
подсказкой во многих предложениях является число существительных, перед которыми стоят наши слова. перед ед.ч.-either, перед мн.ч.-both
также, важно понимать, что both обозначает одновременность действий. например, обе его ноги были сломаны в несчастном случае-ясное дело, что обе ноги сломались одновременно. напротив, either обозначает то, что одно могло произойти раннее другого.
еще один момент очень хорошо показан в этом предложении: You may take either of the books, but not both of them. Ты можешь взять одну из книг (либо одну, либо другую), но не обе (не одновременно)