Описание картины. Нужно дать имена(которые на фото ниже) людям, тагже описать что они делаю во что одеты, какая погода, где все они находятся. Дам 50 балов

It is beautiful weather today as usual. There are many kids play in park. A little Leo Potter wants to play in a ball with his friend Lucas. But he is waiting so long. And finally he can see Lucas. A happy Lucas who bought a new red ball yesterday in a sport centre. A family of Browns didn't forget to go for a walk too. Mom with daddy walking with a tiny girl Sara, a 4 month baby. They are trying to tread quietly, because nearby is sitting an old woman Cindy Norris. And you know? She is looking especially vigorously today. Cindy loves to feed pigeons. But behind the tree hides Emily, Cindy's granddaughter. Emily wants to play with granny, but looks like she and her friend Tracy, who are already running to her, plans to scary old woman and all the pigeons. Oh, those little girls... Today is a favourite day for Bobby Rodriguez, because he has his weekend. It means, he finally have an opportunity to listen his favourite music and even sing it, in a great weather. Looks like he has some fan. A girl, who eating ice cream can't stop to observe. Some of kids plays on a path: A small girl Victoria walks around hoping to find some new friends, Owen playing with balloon, Tiffany resents that Owen took her balloon, and Isaac is trying to catch up with ants.
Как я правильно понял суть задания именно словами передать общую картину того, чем занимаются дети. Собственно я посчитал бесполезным добавлять описания одежды, но если это необходимость добавьте уж сами. В целом вы можете и имена поменять
Для начала имена, слева направо сверху вниз.
Мальчик в кепке - Leo Potter
Молодые родители - Harry и Tina Browns
Их новорожденный малыш(понятия не имею, какого пола, но пусть будет девочка) - Sara Brown
Мальчик с мячом - Lucas Jones
Бегущая девочка - Tracy Norman
Бабуля - Cindy Norris
Девочка за деревом - Emily Garcia
Девочка с рюкзаком - Victoria Francis
Девочка в розовом - Tiffany Lee
(Не понимаю, кто, но допустим парень) в наушниках - Bobby Rodriguez
Девочка с мороженным - Lori Parks
Мальчик с шариком - Owen Gross
Рыжий малец - Isaac Newton