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1. In 2007, Austria was the first European country to give the vote to sixteen-year-olds.
General: Was Austria the first European country to give the vote to sixteen-year-olds?
Alternative: Was Austria or Australia the first European country to give the vote to sixteen-year-olds?
Disjunctive: In 2007, Austria was the first European country to give the vote to sixteen-year-olds, wasn't it?
Special: When was Austria the first European country to give the vote to sixteen-year-olds?
Wh-question: What was the first European country to give the vote to sixteen-year-olds?
2. Some countries outside the EU, like Cuba and Brazil, also have the vote at sixteen.
General: Do some countries outside the EU, like Cuba and Brazil, also have the vote at sixteen?
Alternative: Do some or all countries outside the EU have the vote at sixteen?
Disjunctive: Some countries outside the EU, like Cuba and Brazil, also have the vote at sixteen, don't they?
Special: What do some countries outside the EU, like Cuba and Brazil, have?
Wh-question: What countries outside the EU also have the vote at sixteen?
3. The number of older people in Austria is growing.
General: Is the number of older people in Austria growing?
Alternative: Is the number of older or younger people in Austria growing?
Disjunctive: The number of older people in Australia is growing, isn't it?
Special: Where is the number of older people growing?
Wh-question: What is growing in Austria?
4. They are interested in things which are important to them like the price of food, pensions and hospitals.
General: Are they interested in things which are important to them like the price of food, pensions and hospitals?
Alternative: Are they interested or not in things which are important to them like the price of food pensions and hospitals?
Disjunctive: They are interested in things which are important to them like the price of food, pensions and hospitals, are they not?
Special: What things are they interested in?
Wh-question: Who is interested in things which are important to them like the price of food, pensions and hospitals?
5. They aren't very worried about education or jobs for young people.
General: Are they very worried about education or jobs for young people?
Alternative: Are they or their children very worried about education or jobs for young people?
Disjunctive: They aren't very worried about education or jobs for young people, are they?
Special: What aren't they worried about?
Wh-question: Who is not worried about education or jobs for young people?
6. Austria needs more young people to vote because their problems are different to old people's problems.
General: Does Austria need more young people to vote because their problems are different to old people's problems?
Alternative: Does Austria need more young or old people to vote because their problems are different to old people's problems?
Disjunctive: Austria needs more young people to vote because their problems are different to old people's problems, doesn't it?
Special: What does Austria need?
Wh-question: Who needs more young people to vote because their problems are different to old people's problems?
7. Not everyone agrees with the idea.
General: Does everyone agree with the idea?
Alternative: Does everyone agree with the idea or with the fact?
Disjunctive: Not everyone agrees with the idea, do they?
Special: What does everyone not agree with?
8. Eighty percent of us work and pay money to the government.
General: Are eighty percent of us work and pay money to the government?
Alternative: Does eighty or ninety percent of us work and pay money to the government?
Disjunctive: Eighty percent of us work and pay money ot the government, don't we?
Special: How many percent of us work and pay money to the government?
9. We can drive at sixteen in forty-eight of the fifty states.
General: Can we drive at sixteen in forty-eight of the fifty states?
Alternative: Can we drive at sixteen or at seventeen in forty-eight of the fifty states?
Disjunctive: We can drive at sixteen in forty-eight of the fifty states, can't we?
Special(1): In how many states can we drive at sixteen?
Special(2): At what age can we drive in forty-eight of the fifty states?
Wh-question: Who can drive at sixteen in forty-eight of the fiftty states?
10. We are also interested in politics.
General: Are we also interested in politics?
Alternative: Are we also interested in politics or in sports?
Disjunctive: We are also interested in politics, aren't we?
Wh-question: Who is also interested in politics?