напишите свою Сказку "золотая рыбка" 8 предложений!
Жила была девочка Женя. Как-то раз, увидев по телевизору программу про обитателей Тихого океана, она захотела себе домашнюю рыбку, но знала, что мама возможно ей не разрешит. Взяв всю свою смелость в кулак, девочка решила подойти к папе и рассказать про ту программу, которая она смотрела. В программе говорилось то, что существуют рыбы, приносящие деньги и золото. Папа Жени был слаб на деньги и купил рыбку дочери.
Позже, узнав, что дочь его немного обманула, папа Жени решил назвать рыбку золотой. Вскоре родители Жени и сама девочка стали случайно находить деньги на асфальте, причём немалые. Так и назвали позже эту рыбку золотой, ведь с её появлением семья Жени стала жить лучше.
There was a girl named Zhenya. Once, having seen a program about the inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean on TV, she wanted her own domesticated fish, but she knew that her mother might not allow her. Taking all her courage into a fist, the girl decided to go up to her dad and tell about the program she was watching. The program said that there are fish that bring money and gold. Zhenya's dad was weak for money and bought a fish for his daughter.
Later, having learned that his daughter had deceived him a little, Zhenya's dad decided to call the fish gold. Soon, Zhenya's parents and the girl herself began to accidentally find money on the asphalt, and considerable money at that. This is what they later called this gold fish, because with its appearance, Zhenya's family began to live better.
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Once upon a time an angler old man caught a golden fish
but the fish appealed about freedom for fulfill any wish he’d like to make, so the old man wished nothing and set it free.
When his grumpy old wife knew about that she demanded a new washtub.
An old man got to the sea and the golden fish realized his desire.
Then a mean old woman requested a new hut and the fish realized her wish again.
And again the greedy wife was unpleased and sent an old man to beg a title of noblewoman.
When it was done, an insane old woman commanded to her husband coming back and get a tittle of a Queen.
Soon poor ashamed old man was sent to the sea and beg the fish for the tittle of a Lord of the Sea.
But that time the golden fish said nothing and disappeared in the sea, just old man had to get back to his ruined hut and the total poverty again…