Your Indian friend doesn't know anything about American symbols. Could you help her? Write down everything you remember about American symbols. A. 1. Colour:_______ 2.Name: _______ 3.Number of stars:_______ 4.Number of stripes:____ 5.Colour of stripes:______ 6.Stripes stand for:_____ 7.Stars stand for:______ 8.Places to see the flag:____ B. 1.Year when it appeared in the USA:_____ 2.Country it came from:_____ 3.Reason (причина) it came to the USA:_____ 4. Place it is now:____ C. 1.Year it became the official symbol:____ 2. An olive branch stands for:__ 3. Arrows stand for:____ 4.Place where this symbol is:__
"The colours of the pales are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the colour of the Chief signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.
There are 50 stars representing the 50 states and there are 13 stripes representing the 13 original colonies.
The stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union.
Betsy Ross Flag. Where: The Betsy Ross House; 239 Arch Street., Philadelphia. ...
The Star Spangled Banner. ...
Old Glory. ...
Iwo Jima Flags. ...
Six Apollo Flags.
1.Year when it appeared in the USA:
9, 1776
On September 9, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted a new name for what had been called the "United Colonies.” The moniker United States of America has remained since then as a symbol of freedom and independence.