Твір про розповіть днів тижня
We all know that there are only seven days in a week. This has been the case since ancient times, in the Old Russian language the week was called "week". The day off was the end of the week. Since then, began to use a seven-day cycle.
The week started on Sunday. Accordingly, Tuesday got its name because it is the second.
Wednesday is considered the middle of the week, because we count off from Sunday. This day of the week was also called "Wednesday". There is a legend according to which this day of the week has such a name from the word "heart". And it is located in the heart of man.
Thursday has a similar name to Tuesday. He has been fourth since Sunday.
The name Friday has several meanings. The first value is the fifth day, starting from Sunday. For most people, it is considered the end of the work week. In ancient times, this day was a day off and no one worked. It is believed that the name of this day of the week is directly related to the name of St. Paraskeva. In one of the works of A.S. Pushkin mentioned Friday as a holy day.