Past Simple в утвердительной и отрицательной форме
1. We (to play) chess with Tomas yesterday.
2. Natalie (to stay) at the hotel.
3. She (not to know) my address.
4. They (to see) something interesting.
5. I (not to understand) those words.
6. You (to hear) the order.
7. Our parents (not to trust) doctors.
8. Helen (to have) an idea.
Past Simple в утвердительной и отрицательной форме
1. We (to play) chess with Tomas yesterday.
2. Natalie (to stay) at the hotel.
3. She (not to know) my address.
4. They (to see) something interesting.
5. I (not to understand) those words.
6. You (to hear) the order.
7. Our parents (not to trust) doctors.
8. Helen (to have) an idea.
Past Simple в утвердительной
1. We (played) chess with Tomas yesterday.
2. Natalie (stayed) at the hotel.
3. She (knew) my address.
4. They (saw) something interesting.
5. I (understood) those words.
6. You (heard) the order.
7. Our parents ( trusted) doctors.
8. Helen (had) an idea.
Past Simple в отрицательной форме
1. We (did not play) chess with Tomas yesterday.
2. Natalie (did not stay) at the hotel.
3. She (did not know) my address.
4. They (did not see) something interesting.
5. I (did not understand) those words.
6. You (did not hear) the order.
7. Our parents (did not trust) doctors.
8. Helen (did not have) an idea.